Anthogyr - Institut Straumann AG

Anthogyr - Institut Straumann AG

Initial Guided Surgery



Let yourself be guided in all serenity. The INITIAL guided surgery kit enables clinicians to place implants quickly and confidently. This solution guides the first drilling process to ensure precise positioning of the dental implant axis and emergence point. An integrated part of the digital workflow, INITIAL provides the precision required to implement a prosthetic design plan and can be used for all types of dental surgery, on healed sites or immediate post-extraction sites. INITIAL guided surgery will help to reduce invasiveness and treatment time for patients.


  • Convenient

    Direct drill guiding with no intermediate tools - no spoons, no sliders
    Compact, ergonomic and evolving kit
    Functional kit, consistent with the Axiom® Multi Level® solution

  • Precision

    Perfect guidance, perfectly adjusted drilling to dedicated metallic sockets
    High-precision instruments

  • Freedom

    Compatible with all leading planning software available on the market (Smop, RealGuide, Implant Studio, Romexis, CodiagnostiX)
    All clinical indications

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