

- Model IVX-121 - RSV VLP Vaccine Candidate


IVX-121 targets respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a major cause of viral pneumonia for which no vaccine has been FDA approved. IVX-121 incorporates a stabilized prefusion F antigen licensed from NIAID/NIH (DS-Cav1; Science 2019). RSV F is known to undergo major structural changes that allow viral entry into the host cell, and during that process, critical protective epitopes are lost. Protein design methods have stabilized prefusion F, leading to improved neutralizing responses in humans.

Our VLP technology further enhances the magnitude,...

Our VLP technology further enhances the magnitude, quality and durability of the response to prefusion RSV F, as shown in extensive preclinical studies conducted at IPD (Cell 2019) and Icosavax. The enhanced response to VLP-based prefusion F could be particularly important in older adult populations that show reduced responsiveness to conventional vaccines due to immunosenescence and is expected to translate into a superior product profile.

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