HTG Molecular Diagnostics, Inc.

HTG Molecular Diagnostics, Inc.

- Model OBP - Oncology Biomarker Panel



The HTG EdgeSeq Oncology Biomarker Panel (OBP) is a systems biology pathway analysis tool that profiles samples to identify therapeutic targets and drug response markers. The OBP assay utilizes our automated HTG EdgeSeq system coupled with the sensitivity and dynamic range of next-generation sequencing (NGS)-based detection, and can be performed in your lab using the HTG EdgeSeq system, from our VERI/O lab as a service, or at one of the Qualified Service Provider (QSP) sites.

Features & Benefits

  • Simultaneous, quantitative detection of 2,549 genes associated with tumor biology
  • Extraction-free: reduce extraction-associated data bias and sample loss
  • Reliable, reproducible performance from a single formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) needle core biopsy slide
  • Gain insights faster: results in as little as 36 hours
  • Simplified data analysis: raw numerical data output provided in Excel format

Sample Requirements

Sample Type: Recommended Sample Input

  • Extracted RNA from FFPE: 35 ng
  • PAXgene: 500 µl
  • FFPE Tissue: One 5 µm section
  • Cells: ≥3,000 cells
  • Extracted RNA from Frozen: 10 - 35 ng

Larger sample input amounts must be diluted. Please consult the assay package insert and HTG EdgeSeq System User Manual for more details.


Pearson correlations for all replicate pairs within each condition are summarized in the table below. The vertical line in the histogram represents the median correlation for all 225 Pearson correlation pairs.


  • Assess FFPE tumor samples for potential biomarkers
  • Subtype tumors based on cellular origin, treatment response, or aggressiveness
  • Develop predictive and prognostic gene signatures

Breast, colon, lung, and prostate FFPE tumor tissue were processed with the HTG EdgeSeq Oncology Biomarker Panel.  Data are displayed as normalized counts per million (CPM).

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