Globe - Mapping and Ablation System
The Globe Pulsed Field Mapping and Ablation System is the most complete solution for atrial fibrillation, offering single-shot pulmonary vein isolation, high-definition mapping, and atrial ablation – all in a single catheter.
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Single-Shot Pvi In As Little As 3 Seconds
The Globe Mapping and Ablation System is a powerful multielectrode mapping and ablation solution that consists of a sophisticated catheter with 122 electrodes that provides rapid, single-shot PVI and the ability to quickly confirm PV isolation during ablation.
- The Globe Catheter has a 30 mm spherical array when deployed. Its 122 electrodes generate high-definition anatomical and electrical maps, as well as deliver radio-frequency energy to heat and ablate tissue to treat AF. EPs can create point and linear lesions anywhere in the left atrium.
Continuous Hd Mapping
The Globe® Pulsed Field Mapping and Ablation System is the only system that continually records and displays the electrical activity of the atrium, combining the signals from all 122 electrodes, even during ablation. This allows EPs to confirm isolation, quickly find and eliminate gaps, or find non-PV triggers – in real-time.
High-definition mapping elements include:
- GPS™ 3D Maps show the position of the Globe Catheter in the heart;
- FLOW™ and CONTACT™ Maps show contact with tissue;
- Voltage Maps in real-time before, during, and after ablation; and
- WAVE™ Map shows atrial activation even during ablation.
The Globe Mapping and Ablation System combines best-in-class technologies into a single catheter, combining the rapid PVI of balloon catheters, the flexibility of single-tip catheters, and the HD mapping of multi-electrode catheters. Complete functionality is available to the EP without the need to change catheters.
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