Genius5-Instruments GmbH

Genius5-Instruments GmbH

- Model Smell tester - Smell tester to detect Covid-19

In 80% of Covid-19 infected people, the virus affects the olfactory mucosa. In our studies we have shown, that the virus attacks certain specific olfactory receptors . Normally the people recognise it, when odor sense is completely lost. If defined odors are presented in low concentrations, Genius5 smell tester can detect destruction of receptors some days before - it can be used to detect Covid-19 in the early stage. The smell tester is doing an automatic test routine, where 3 odors are presented to patient. Healthy persons recognize the odors correctly, while Covid-19 infected people have problems. Genius5 smell tester evaluates reaction times and correct assignment. As suistanable detection system with high testing capacity, it will help to allow healthy individual back to normal life.

Smell tester for early detection of increasing Covid-19 infections

How odor sense is affected by Covid-19
How odor sense is affected by Covid-19

Smell and taste changes are early indicators of the COVID-a9 pandemic and political decision effectiveness.

To see the benefits of using the smell tester, please read this scientific article.

Smell tester produces reproducible odor flow, using odors, which receptors are predominantly impaired, being more sensitive as a simple question. Most people, which are loosing the odor sense, recognise it very late. If you are loosing sense of hearingor sight, you will notice immediately. But if sense of smell becomes weaker, you don´t recognise yourself, because you don´t know that you shall smell. 

Genius5 smell tester makes an objective test to differ between healthy people and Covid-19 infected people.