Full Field Electroretinography Module
From Visual Electrophysiology Modules
The Diopsys® ffERG (full field electroretinography) module includes several important protocols to help you detect disease early and manage patient care. Understanding how your patient is responding to treatment is important. Is their visual function improving? Is their disease progressing? Diopsys® ffERG / Flicker vision tests provide objective, functional information about global retinal health using intuitive, color-coded reports to help you: Evaluate retinal disease severity, Predict retinal ischemia, Quantify retinal function loss and recovery, Monitor retinal function for more appropriate and timely treatment
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Early Detection.
Early detection and treatment can protect your patients’ eyes against serious vision loss. What do you do when your other testing is questionable, borderline, or unreliable? Diopsys® ffERG / Flash Plus Photopic Negative Response (PhNR) vision tests provide you with objective information on retinal ganglion cell (RGC) function. These test results help you identify disorders that affect the innermost retina, including glaucoma and other forms of optic neuropathy.1-6 Diopsys® ffERG / Flash Plus PhNR testing is performed in a lit room without the need for refraction.
- Objectively measure functional loss and recovery1
- Detect early signs of RGC dysfunction, including glaucoma1-6
- Clear, intuitive report interpretation
Screening At-Risk Patients
You have patients at risk for retinal disease walking into your practice every day. How are you screening those who are asymptomatic? As part of your wellness program, the Diopsys® Chromatic Flash Vision Screener provides you with objective information on retinal function. Now you can quickly and easily screen patients with risk factors like diabetes.
- Objectively screen for retinal dysfunctional1
- Interpret simple, color-coded results
- Counsel patients in the early stages of disease
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