FreeHold - Model Duo - Retractor
The FreeHold Duo Retractor may be used for direct organ or tissue retraction including the gallbladder, colon, bladder, etc.
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Created for Surgeons by Surgeons
Fully and Continuously Adjustable
- Easily customizable for different patient anatomies, organ sizes and procedural techniques
- Simple to reposition and/or tension intraoperatively
Easy to Learn, Use and Teach
- Utilize standard tools with no exchange required during the procedure
- Self-aligning design allows for snag-free insertion and removal of the retractor devices
- Installation technique is easy to learn and master
Improve Patient Care by Optimizing Surgical Technique
Minimize Incisions
- Deploy through an existing 5mm trocar
- Minimize the need for additional trocar and/or dedicated instrument
- Reduce the risk of incision-related complications
Enable Full Surgeon Autonomy
- Surgeon controls positioning and adjustment of retractor
- Once positioned, surgeon has full use of both hands to perform surgery
- No coordination with circulator required
Optimize Visualization & Exposure
- Easily adjustable throughout the procedure for sustained visibility
- Low profile design minimizes procedural clutter and potential for robotic arm collisions
- Applicable for broad range of procedures
Improve Patient Care
- Deploy through same access incisions as used in standard procedures; no dedicated incision required
- Minimize complications from extra incision and improve visualization
- Avoid potential trauma associated with the use of Nathanson-type retractors
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