Flight Medical Innovations Ltd.

- Model Vento2ux Series - ICU Level Ventilation for Every Care Setting


Versatile next-generation ICU-level ventilator. Vento2ux is Flight Medical’s newest ventilator series, delivering ICU quality performance to pediatric and adult patients. Vento2ux’s adaptive ventilation modes learn and integrate patient responses in order to effectively adapt to their physiological and clinical conditions. The highly versatile turbine-powered devices deliver performance which is equivalent to ICU gas-driven ventilators across the entire spectrum of care.

Versatile Ventilator Across Multiple Care Settings

The compact and lightweight Vento2ux ventilator series offers the perfect solution in a broad range of clinical environments.

Operated using the standard off-the-shelf model or upgraded with a range of purpose-built customizable add-ons, the Vento2ux ventilator can be tailored to any clinical setting.

  • Invasive and noninvasive ventilation with high leak compensation
  • Advanced modes of ventilation
  • Optional proximal flow sensor for precise measurements
  • Universal patient breathing circuits
  • Single and dual patient circuit limb
  • Two different screen sizes
  • Three different optional internal capnography modules (MicroMediCo2/Capnostat 5, Respironics C5, Loflo)
  • Optional SpO2 module
  • Automatic altitude compensation
  • Automatic leak compensation

Advanced Monitoring, Ease of Use and Cost-Effective

The Vento2ux ventilator provides the highest levels of emergency-standard care at low cost and ensures maximum patient comfort for a diverse range of pathologies.

The same user-friendly, intuitive interface is incorporated across all models in the series allowing for reduced learning time and seamless and effective operation with easy access to nurse controllers (e.g., O2, nebulizer, ambo, cuff pressure, maneuver, panel lock).

With a series of pre-set ventilation settings, the Vento2ux ventilator guarantees rapid integration with clinical workflow and treatment protocols.

The easy-to-read long-mechanic SpO2 & etCO2 display provides an at-a-glance view of the patients’ ventilation status providing a reliable basis for therapeutic decisions.

The dual graphic and numeric display incorporates high-resolution wave-forms, pressure, flow and volume whilst an uncomplicated HL7 interface allows for data export and import for ease of clinical analysis.

Unique Cuff Pressure Controller Module

Flight Medical’s unique cuff pressure controller is offered as an advanced ventilator module, making the Vento2ux ventilator the only transportable ventilator to feature such a unique technology at this price point.

The automatic cuff pressure controller is fully integrated and noninvasive.

It reduces clinical intervention by continuously monitoring and automatically adjusting cuffed tracheal and tracheostomy tube pressure during the entire ventilation period.

The automatic cuff pressure controller’s unique design helps prevent and control ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) and tracheal injuries whilst supporting and optimizing mechanical ventilation therapy.

Product Details

CU level ventilation for every care setting
Vento2ux™ is Flight Medical’s newest ventilator series, delivering ICU quality performance to pediatric and adult patients.

CE approved

To be launched in 2022.

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