- Micro-Ultrasound System for Targeted Biopsies for Prostate Cancer



The ExactVu™ micro-ultrasound platform provides the most practical solution as a new tool for urologists or radiologists to perform targeted biopsies within a standard urological workflow. The unique 29MHz frequency allows to visualize details unseen before in any prostate ultrasound image, detect suspicious areas in real-time and take a biopsy sample as representative of the level of aggressiveness of the cancer.

Product Details

With a 29MHz operating frequency, Micro-ultrasound resolution is comparable to MRI and represents a 300% improvement over conventional ultrasound. Its unmatched real-time resolution allows visualization of suspicious regions and targeting of biopsies in real-time. PRI-MUS™ risk identification protocol for characterizing prostate tissue is a proprietary evidence-based protocol to help quickly identify benign or suspicious regions and target biopsies accordingly.

ExactVu™ System
As a complete urological platform, ExactVu™ is the World’s first system supporting both high-resolution and conventional transducers: a 29 MHz transducer for targeted and systematic biopsy procedures and conventional resolution transducers for abdominal imaging (kidney and bladder) and large prostate procedures.

Transrectal Biopsies
ExactVu™ allows for a single patient visit with a fast 15-minute procedure including real-time targeting. Assisted by the PRI-MUS™ evidence-based scale, Urologists visualize suspicious regions and target transrectal biopsies with micro-ultrasound.

Transperineal Biopsies
Using Single-use transperineal clip-on guides or standard transperineal templates, the ExactVu systems allows free-hand or handsfree options for transperineal biopsies. Whether performing real-time transperineal targeted biopsies or transperineal-based FusionVu micro-ultrasound/MRI fusion procedures, transperineal procedures with the ExactVu™ system are fast, accurate and easily guided by the system’s 70-micron resolution.

MRI-MUS Fusion
The ExactVu™ system allows biopsy of both micro-ultrasound and MRI identified targets to optimize flexibility and accuracy. It gives you the option of Cognitive Assist™ with a fast and simple workflow or the more advanced FusionVu™ with computer-alignment, both leveraging the power of 70 micron real-time resolution.

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