eVolution - Model 3e - Ventilator
The eVolution® 3e Ventilator is a new paradigm in ventilator design. Dual PSOL valves ensure the precise flow, volume and pressure delivery for your sickest patients—true ICU ventilator care—while the innovative turbine design means you can deliver this ICU equivalent care wherever and whenever you need it. The ventilator can receive O2 input from either a high or low pressure gas source, giving the eVolution precision and versatility throughout the continuum of ventilator care. A full suite of modes gives the clinician the flexibility to choose the mode that best suits the patient’s needs.
International Specifications
Modes of Ventilation
- Assisted Control Mandatory Ventilation (CMV)
- Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV)
- Spontaneous Ventilation (CPAP + PS, CPAP + VS, SPAP)
Additional Features
- Auto Control
- Apnea Backup Ventilation
- SPAP Philosophy Options: Time, Cycle + Time, Cycle + I:E
- IBW Calculator
- NIV On/Off in all Modes
- Active Exhalation Valve
- Automatic Leak Compensation (up to 60 lpm)
- Work of Breathing Imposed
- Maneuvers: PO.1 and PiMax
Breath Types
- Volume-controlled: (V-CMV; V-SIMV)
- Pressure-controlled: (P-CMV; P-SIMV, PS)
- Volume Targeted Pressure-controlled: (PRVC-CMV; PRVC-SIMV, VS)
- Dual Level PEEP: (SPAP)
- Equivalent to APRV & BiLevel
Breath Triggering
- Pressure triggering: -0.1 to (-20) cmH2O
- Flow triggering: 0.1 - 25 lpm
Additional Settings
- Respiratory rate: 1 - 120 bpm
- Tidal volume: 20 - 3000 ml
- PEEP / CPAP: 0 - 50 cmH2O
- Pcontrol: 1 - 100 cmH2O
- Psupport: 0 - 100 cmH2O
- Peak flow (mandatory): 1 - 120 lpm
- Peak flow (spontaneous): Up to 180 lpm
- Peak flow (Turbine Output): Up to 300 l/min
- I-Times: 0.2 - 10.0 sec
- Oxygen concentration: 21 - 100%
- Rise time settings: 1 - 20
- Exhalation sensitivity % (of spontaneous peak flow): 1 - 80%
- Base Flow (with leak comp off): 2.5 - 25 lpm
- Plateau (insp pause): 0 - 2.0 sec
Neonatal Software Option - Part Number: EVM400156
- Respiratory Rate: 1 - 150 bpm
- Tidal volume: 2 - 3000 ml
- I-Times: 0.1 - 10 sec
- PS Tmax: 0.15 - 5.0 sec
Additional Software Options
- Suction support: Part Number: EVM400158
- Automatic tube compensation: Part Number: EVM400157
- EtCO2: Part Number: EVM400182
- Hi FlowO2: Part Number: EVM400184
User Configurable Graphic User Interface (GUI) and Functions
- Multiple Easy View Tabs (Main, Settings, Monitoring, Alarms, Configuration)
- Graphics Display (2-Loops and 3-Waveforms)
- Apnea Back-up
- User-selected breath type and settings
- Smart Nebulizer™
- Smart Sigh™
- Humidification Selection (HME, Humidifier, and None)
- EtCO2 Graphics Display
- PaCO2 Time Stamp Entry
User Initiated Functions
- Manual inspiration
- Alarm silence
- 100% Oxygen
- Inspiratory and expiratory breath holds
- Standby
Monitored / Displayed Data
- Delivered oxygen concentrations: 21 - 100%
- Trend Data (1-72 hrs.) (31 trend parameters)
- Monitoring Data (36 monitored parameters):
- Respiratory Rate
- PEEP + Pplateau
- Ppeak & Pmean
- Exp Min Vol (Ve)
- Vte & Vti
- O2
- Te & Ti
- PFi & PFe
- I:E / H:L
- Leak
- Auto PEEP
- Pmin
- Cdyn
- Cstat
- Cstat / kg
- Ptrach
- Ri & Re
- Rce
- VT/kg
- Ve Spont
- Vte Spont
- P0.1 & PiMax
- Rate Spont
- Ti / Ttot
- Spont % 1h
- Spont % 8h
- PO.1 / PiMax
- WOBimp
Real Time Graphics
- Flow Volume Loop
- Pressure Volume Loop
- Flow + Time
- Pressure + Time
- Volume + Time
EtCO2 Graphics
- PCO2 Volume Loop
- FCO2 Volume Loop
- PCO2 + Time
- FCO2 + Time
- VteCO2 + Time
- PetCO2
- VCO2 / min
- VtiCO2
- FetCO2
- Vd ana
- Vd alv
- Vd / Vt
- Valv
- Valv / min
- PeCO2
- FeCO2
Prioritized Alarms (High, Medium and Low)
- Auto set alarm feature & 1000 Event log
Communication Interfaces
- Ethernet and Nurse call
Physical Data
- AC power: 100 - 240 VAC (47/63Hz)
- Standard Internal Battery (Lithium-Ion* & Lead Acid**)
- Battery backup > 120min
- Gas supply pressure, 2 to 6 Bar
- Screen: LCD 12.1” / Touch Screen
Optional Remote Viewing System
- CliniNet® Virtual Report™ Software
Optional High Performance Internal Gas Source Technology
- Integrated high performance turbine technology*
- Low Flow O2, 0.3 to 2 Bar*
Ordering Information
- Model EVL100500-HP, High Pressure System
- Model EVL100500-T, Internal Turbine System
- Model EVL100500-HP-NF, High Pressure System without Exhalation Filter
- Model EVL100500-T-NF, Internal Turbine System without Exhalation Filter
Comprehensive graphics
- Comprehensive graphics
and trending - High performance internal gas source technology
- Dual valve technology for precise breath delivery
- Pediatric through adult
- Invasive and noninvasive
- Transport ventilation support
- Easy to use touch screen
user interface
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