Ergotrics NV

Ergotrics NV

- Model IBO - Inflatable Board Tool for Tilting Patients



An ergonomic breakthrough in hospital care. Turning patients from supine to prone position remains a technically and ergonomically difficult task, especially with patients weighting over 80kg (175lb). A patient under general anaesthesia should not be tilted by one person alone. The Inflatable Board (IBO) is the ideal device for the safe and controlled tilting of patients.

Product Details

A clear ergonomic breakthrough in hospital care.

The IBO is reusable and tested for 250 applications and is provided with a pressure sensor. The sensor counts automatically how often the IBO has been used and displays the usages with the LED lights. A handy feature to ensure safe use, also in case of regular shift changes.

Benefits of the Inflatable Board

  • Makes process of proning (tilting) easier and faster
  • Better ergonomics for healthcare workers by using compressed air
  • Controlled and safe for patient (without torsion and specific pressure points)
  • Tilting with less people

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