CIVCO Medical Solutions

CIVCO Medical Solutions

- Ultrasound Probe Covers & Scanning Pads



Envision ultrasound probe covers and scanning pads are activated with a sterile liquid and require no gel. Envision ultrasound viral barriers benefit clinicians and patients during interventions and procedures utilizing ultrasound, such as:

Product Details

  • Peripheral IVs
  • PICC lines
  • CVCs
  • Nerve blocks
  • Thyroid FNAs

Reduce the Risk of Contamination

  • Based on multiple clinical studies, ultrasound gel has been shown to harbor and spread infection. Gel can:
    • contribute to increasing nosocomial infection, the spread of hospital-acquired infections1,2,3,4
    • cause bacteria to be introduced into the blood stream3,6
    • make the disinfection or sterilization process of devices, including ultrasound probes, less effective5

Improve Quality of FNA Specimens

  • Several studies show the adverse effects gel can have on fine needle aspirations:
    • Impairs the visibility of cells and interferes with staining of cells7
    • Causes a significant increase in the number of slides with artefacts7
    • Causes widespread cell lysis, increasing the risk of misinterpretation and a false positive diagnosis8
    • Mimics colloid, creating difficulty in differentiation between artefact and colloid7,9

Simplify Workflow

  • The Envision cover is easy to set up with the quick-peel liner that safely adheres to the probe face, and clean-up is simple with no gel to wipe off the probe or patient.
  • Pre-cleaning of the probe is greatly simplified with the use of Envision.

Covers/pads and bands are not made with natural rubber latex.

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