EnColl Hemocoll - Absorbable Sterile Fibrillar Collagen for Dental Surgery
After five to ten minutes, excess Hemocoll collagen fibres should be removed, either by teasing away or by irrigation with saline, followed by aspiration. If breakthrough bleeding occurs in areas of thin application, additional Hemocoll may be applied. The amount required will depend on the severity of bleeding.
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CONTRA-INDICATIONS: Hemocoll collagen bre is derived from bovine or ovine source and should not be used in patients with known sensitivity to such material.
PRECAUTIONS: Do not resterilize. Hemocoll collagen bre is sterile, if the package is dry, unopened and undamaged. Do not use if the package seal is broken. The device must be used prior to the expiration date. Discard all open vials and any unused portions of Hemocoll
PRESCRIPTION STATUS: Hemocoll is available by medical prescription only.
STORAGE: Hemocoll should be kept in a clean, dry location. It can be stored at ambient room temperature and it is risk-free between -18°C to 40°C or 0°F to 104°F
STERILIZATION: Hemocoll has been sterilized with ethylene oxide.
SHELF LIFE: Hemocoll has a minimum of 3 year shelf life from the manufactured date.
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