Droplet - Model Eu - Pen Needle
From Pen Needles
Most of the food we eat is turned into glucose, or sugar, for our bodies to use for energy. Diabetes is a disease in which the body is unable to properly use and store glucose. Glucose backs up in the bloodstream — causing one’s blood glucose to rise too high.
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Products Details
Diabetes is a global epidemic affecting an estimated 422 million people worldwide. WHO projects diabetes will be the 7th leading cause of death by 2030. An estimated 4 million people die annually from diabetes complications.
Taking insulin is often part of treating diabetes. Sterile, single-use HTL-STREFA PEN NEEDLES are intended to be used with a pen injector device for the subcutaneous injection of insulin. They are commonly used by people with diabetes who often require multiple daily insulin injections.
The proper injection technique helps diabetic patients to achieve the best possible health outcomes by ensuring that the correct dose of medication is delivered to the correct injection site, using the correct needle size.
Droplet pen needles proactively address:
Droplet pen needles proactively address:
- easy adjustment and use
- greater convenience
- insulin delivery precision
- compatible with most of the available pen injectors
Available on US and Canada markets only. Remember!
Available on US and Canada markets only. Remember!
Pen needles should be used only once and dispose!
Sterility is guaranteed if the needle seal is unbroken. The tip of the needle may be damaged with reuse.
This can increase the chance of experiencing pain when injecting as the needle tip is dulled; used needles also increase infection risk and cause possible needle clogging and inaccurate dosing.
Re-usage can:
- lead to needle breakage (1)
- cause lipohypertrophy (2)
- dull or bend the tip causing bleeding, bruising, or scarring (3)
- increase the risk of the needle breaking off in the skin (1)
- increase the risk of infection because the needle is no longer sterile (4)
- As simple as walking. Just change pen needle after each injection
- Easy adjustable. Compatible with most of the available pen injectors.
- HTL-STREFA pen needles fit all major brands
- Easy to train. Easy to educate everyone at every age.
- Special needle lubrication makes insulin injection smooth
- Needle penetration into the skin is soft and gentle
- Fast and accurate insulin delivery to meet treatment requirements
- Smart thread design to prevent insulin leakage
- Wide range of pen needle sizes to meet individual needs
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