Cryogas - Cryogenic Storage Cold Converter Tanks
From Industrial Gases - Standard Cryogenic Tanks
Vacuum Insulated Cryogenic Storage Tanks and Cold Converter tanks are double walled tanks designed for efficient storage of LOX, LIN, LAR, LNG, LCO2 and other Cryogenic Liquids. Standard range of CRYOGAS make Cryogenic Storage Tanks are available from 3,000 to 2,56,000 Litre with operating pressure range of 10,18,24 and 37 bar(g). While inner vessel is Stainless Steel, CRYOGAS Equipment utilizes Stainless Steel at strategic points on the outer vessel to enhance the life of tank like lifting lugs, transport lugs and nozzle opening pads. CRYOGAS make cryogenic storage tanks works out to 'lowest life cycle cost'.
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Technical Data
- MODEL VCC/VCT 6 HCC (Vertical & Horizontal Cryogenic Storage Tanks)
- CONFIGURATION Vertical & Horizontal
- STANDARD CAPACITIES 3,6,10.12, 20. 24, 56. 77.100,114,150. 250. 256 KL Other specific capacity offered on request
- APPLICABLE DESIGN CODES ASME. EN 13458-2. PED and Other International Codes
- CE Marking & U Stamp offered on request
- INSULATION Perlite in Vacuum, multi-layer super insulation (optional)
- RAW MATERIALS Inner Vessel & Piping: Stainless Steel
- Outer Vessel: Carbon Steel
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