COSMEd - Model Innocor LCI - Lung Clearance Index
LCI is a more sensitive marker of abnormalities than FEV1, allowing early detection of disease in the smaller airways, down to small children. Innocor® LCI uses SF6 multibreath wash-out (MBW), standing out from the N2 MBW method: no influence of N2 back-diffusion into the lungs from blood and tissues, no impact of pure O2 on breathing pattern or gas exchange, considerably shorter testing time by wash-in during rebreathing, and no sensitivity to inspiratory leaks. The use of a fast-responding photoacoustic infrared gas analyser guarantees unmatched sensitivity, accuracy and stability.
Key Features
LCI to detect early peripheral airway damage in CF patients. LCI is a promising marker in the field of cystic fibrosis (CF). The detection of early-stage lung disease is critical to guide clinical treatment and improve patient’s outcome.
Greater sensitivity than spirometry LCI is a more sensitive marker of abnormalities than FEV1, allowing early detection of disease in the smaller airways, down to small children.
SF6 true insoluble gas resolves typical LCI pitfalls. Thanks to the use of SF6 tracer gas the measurement is not affected by N2 back diffusion, O2 influence on breathing pattern and possible inspiratory leakages.
Outstanding accuracy. The patented fast-responding photo-acoustic infrared gas analyser guarantees high sensitivity, accuracy and reliability.
Child-friendly measurement technique. A simple and fast manoeuvre performed while the patient is breathing normally through the measuring device.
High patient comfort. The extremely low resistance from the breathing circuit and the absence of uncomfortable gas mixture (100% O2) ensures the perfect patient experience.
Reduced downtime. The advanced wash-in wash-out technique makes the test faster than traditional methods and eliminates the needs for waiting time between manoeuvres or in case of manoeuvre failure.
LCI (Standard)
- Ventilation distribution analysis via multi-breath SF6 wash-out technique (LCI, FRC).
- Early detection of small airways disease.
- Simple, confortable and accurate measurement.
CPET - Breath-by-Breath (Optional)
- Breath-by-breath gas exchange data analysis (VO2, VCO2, RER)
- Multi-use pneumotach
- Multi-use silicone face masks or mouthpieces for comfortable leak-free measurements
- Ideal method for research and clinical applications
Cardiac Output (Optional)
- Non-Invasive CO by inert gas rebreathing
- Suitable for adults and children at rest and during exercise
- Daily calibration not required
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