ICU Medical, Inc.

ICU Medical, Inc.

- Solis Infusion System



The CADD-Solis Infusion System offers a modern portable design with wireless connectivity and versatility for pain management. Supported therapies include:



Intravenous pain management with the following delivery methods individually or in combination with each other:

  • Continuous rate
  • PCA dose
  • Clinician bolus
  • Dosing with PCA dose key or remote dose cord


Epidural and subarachnoid administration in conjunction with Programmed Intermittent Bolus (PIB) and/or PCEA

Peripheral Nerve Block and Surgical Site Infusions

Administration of peripheral nerve blocks and surgical site infusion with the ability to program PCA and/or Programmed Intermittent Bolus (PIB). Portable design supports patient ambulation.

Product Benefits

Standardize to a Single Platform and differentiate therapies to support patient safety:

  • Ability to segment your fleet by grey or yellow pump face plates
  • CADD® products with NRFit connectors help reduce the risk of misconnections
  • Color-coded pumps screens allow you to differentiate therapies

Smart pump features support patient safety:

  • On-screen color graphs and trending data provide immediate patient assessment and helps support the clinician at bedside
  • On-board library holds up to 500 protocols that can be edited within safety limits for specific patient needs
  • Pump programming errors prevented by:
    • Soft and hard maximum and minimum programming limits
    • Tall man/Short man lettering
    • No trailing zeroes
    • Support for full drug names

Wireless Connectivity with PharmGuard Infusion Management System Facilitates:

  • Wireless communication
    • Deployment of medication libraries
    • Updates to device firmware
    • Device activity tacking
  • Informed decisions via on demand or scheduled reports across the whole pump fleet
  • Connectivity to third party systems

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