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Zerowire Medical Equipment & Supplies

2 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by NDS Surgical Imaging
    based in USA

    ZeroWire® G2 is a revolutionary third-generation advanced wireless HD-video system with the aim to transform technology into a clinical solution that supports the drive to improve patient outcomes, improve efficiency, and lower operating costs. Designed for user-friendly operation, ZeroWire G2 delivers full HD-video without noticeable video delay. Clinical teams can now enjoy greater mobility ...

  • Manufactured by NDS Surgical Imaging
    based in USA

    The only medical-grade battery-powered display stand designed specifically for use in the endoscopy environment, ZeroWire Mobile can enhance ergonomics and staff safety. By eliminating display cables, and the need to clean and maintain cables, ZeroWire Mobile can minimize tripping hazards, and have the potential to reduce room turnaround times. The small footprint of ZeroWire Mobile also offers ...

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