Stryker Patient Transport Equipment & Supplies In Africa
Manufactured by Strykerbased in USA
Our Power-LOAD cot fastener improves operator and patient safety by supporting the cot throughout the loading and unloading ...
Manufactured by Strykerbased in USA
It’s estimated that 76% of patient ambulation orders are not met1, and that patients spend more than 96% of their hospital stay lying in bed or sitting2. Yet early and frequent mobility is crucial for patients on their road to recovery. IVEA’s features provide a simple, safe, and efficient solution to this problem, helping caregivers ...
Manufactured by Stryker Emergency Carebased in USA
Deliver high-performance, continuous chest compressions with less strain, micromanagement, and risk for the caregiver. The LUCAS chest compression system provides benefits both to the cardiac arrest patient and the resuscitation ...
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