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Ossimend Collagen Equipment & Supplies

5 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Regenity
    based in USA

    OssiMend is a mineral and collagen composite matrix processed into strips, pads, blocks and putty for bone grafting procedures. The natural mineral and collagen are highly biocompatible. ...

  • Manufactured by Regenity
    based in USA

    OssiMend is a mineral and collagen composite matrix processed into strips, pads, blocks and putty for bone grafting procedures. The natural mineral and collagen are highly biocompatible. ...

  • Manufactured by Regenity
    based in USA

    A mechanically strong, compression resistant biocomposite matrix that is easily cut and customized and is fully resorbed during bone remodeling. It is osteoconductive and when mixed with autogenous bone marrow becomes osteoinductive and ...

  • Manufactured by Regenity
    based in USA

    Highly absorbent and versatile biocomposite matrices that can be easily cut and sized in either the dry or hydrated state and are fully resorbed during bone remodeling. They are osteoconductive and when mixed with autogenous bone marrow become osteoinductive and ...

  • Manufactured by Regenity
    based in USA

    This highly absorbent and malleable biocomposite putty is available in a granular powder form and when hydrated with autogenous bone marrow is easily molded. It is fully resorbed during bone remodeling and is osteoconductive and when mixed with autogenous bone marrow becomes osteoinductive and ...

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