Becon - Model Cache - Nipple Shield
Nipple hypersensitivity and projection are the often unavoidable consequence of breast enhancement procedures. As a result, patients frequently experience weeks or months of protracted post-operative nipple discomfort.
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Abrasion from surgical brassieres or wraps aggravates the nipple sensitivity, escalating the discomfort into persistent pain. Prominent nipple projection and fluid discharge commonly accompany the irritation, leading to patient embarrassment and the reluctant concealment of their new surgical results. Caché™ shields have been designed to simply and inexpensively resolve the dilemma.
Caché™ shields are reusable, self-adhering nipple shields and covers. Constructed of soft, hypoallergenic silicone, Caché™ shields are flexible, comfortable and inconspicuous. The interior surface features a patent-pending nipple pocket that houses and protects the nipple from any material abrasion. In addition to protection, this pocket masks nipple visibility through even the most thin or sheer garments. Once applied and warmed to body temperature, translucent Caché™ shields become fully transparent. This functional invisibility allows Caché™ to adapt to any skin coloring.
Asingle set of Caché™ shields can be rinsed and reused for countless applications. Once hypersensitivity and projection diminish, the patient can continue to use their Caché™ shields for nipple concealment.
Physicians typically counsel their prospective patients about the benefits of Caché™ shields during pre-operative counseling. They may also furnish them during post-operative examination to satisfy the patient’s complaint of hypersensitivity and projection.
Caché™ offers a simple and inexpensive solution to a common and needless problem.
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