Medical Equipment & Supplies In USA

7 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Biomedix
    based in USA

    This portable device can be used when connected to a PC or laptop, or can be used in a standalone capacity, and data can be synced with a PC, then synced with the Biomedix Xchange population health management platform. A disposable, one-use FlowTube is used to prevent contamination to the ...

  • Manufactured by Biomedix
    based in USA

    This device is designed to be plugged into a PC, offering a fully-integrated experience from the computer. It includes enhanced provocation and challenge testing to streamline the coaching needed to produce consistent results. A disposable, one-use spirette is used to prevent contamination to the ...

  • Manufactured by Biomedix
    based in USA

    IRIS (Intelligent Retinal Imaging Systems) is a leading provider of technology that aids in the identification of diabetic retinopathy. IRIS is camera-agnostic technology that enables the analysis of fundus images by a network of ophthalmologic specialists for ...

  • Manufactured by Biomedix
    based in USA

    Biomedix has partnered with O’Brien Medical to integrate an exciting line of neurodiagnostic tools designed to support Comprehensive Diabetic Foot Exams as part of a fully reimbursable assessment ...

  • Manufactured by Biomedix
    based in USA

    BeamMed is a leading provider of technology designed to identify osteoporosis in at-risk populations for bone fracture. The MiniOmni bone sonometer is radiation-free and portable, enabling the use in many environments, including primary care and home visits. The MiniOmni test can either measure patients by applying a sensor at the wrist or finger, so there is no need to remove shoes and socks to ...

  • Manufactured by Biomedix
    based in USA

    PADnet is the market leader in front-line diagnostics for peripheral vascular disease (PVD). PADnet is the only diagnostic device that can support the identification of peripheral artery disease (PAD) and venous reflux disease through a unique collaborative care model, which enables the cost-effective delivery of care that optimizes patient ...

  • Manufactured by Biomedix
    based in USA

    The ETFMX are electronic tuning forks intended to enable the early diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy. These ETF products are specifically designed to electronically deliver the most valuable features of traditional tuning forks in an objective, quick, and easy ...

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