Auris Medical - Model AM-125 - Therapeutics for Inner Ear Disorders
AM-125 for the treatment of vertigo is expected to complete its Phase 2 TRAVERS trial in Q2 2022 and to move into Phase 3 in Q4 2022. Keyzilen® (AM-101) for the treatment of acute inner ear tinnitus and Sonsuvi® (AM-111) for the treatment of acute inner ear hearing loss have both been evaluated in Phase 3 trials, but will require further clinical testing.
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Preclinical and clinical evidence
Superior bioavailability
Intranasal delivery of betahistine results in 5 to 29 times higher plasma exposure compared to standard oral administration.
Accelerated and improved balance function
Dose dependent improvement in balance for neurosurgery patients suffering from acute vertigo
Current clinical investigations
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