Apnea Sciences Corporation

Apnea Sciences Corporation

- Class 2 Medical Device


ApneaRx is a Class 2 medical device cleared for the treatment of mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. An alternative to CPAP, ApneaRx is prescribed by doctors as an affordable 'predictor' device to determine whether patients will tolerate a custom sleep apnea oral appliance. ApneaRx is adjustable up to 10 mm.

Clinical Data

If you snore loudly and wake up still feeling tired or experience excessive sleepiness during the day, you may suffer from sleep apnea. Left untreated, sleep apnea can increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, obesity and of developing diabetes.

How It Works

ApneaRx is specifically designed to treat mild to moderate sleep apnea, and is easily adjustable by 1mm increments. Its patented design gently holds the lower jaw in a slightly forward position and is proven to allow more air to flow freely during sleep.

Advanced Design

ApneaRx uses the mandibular advance technology to gently hold your patient’s lower jaw in a slightly forward position. ApneaRx is reimbursed by many private insurers under HCPCS Code E0485 – prefabricated oral appliance.

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