Walker Filtration Ltd

Walker Filtration Ltd

Alpha Medical Vacuum Filters



Situated on the suction side of a vacuum pump, the Alpha Medical Vacuum Filters, also known as bacterial filters, are essential to avoiding damage to vacuum pumps and preventing potentially hazardous biological contagions from being exhausted into the surrounding environment. Designed for use in critical medical applications to remove solid, liquid, and bacterial contamination in vacuum systems, Walker Filtration’s Medical Vacuum Filters guarantee a safe and reliable product that is used in hospitals, operating theatres, intensive care units, laboratories, veterinary hospitals, dental surgeries, and medical vacuum plant installations worldwide.


At Walker Filtration, the safety of our products is paramount; with a guaranteed filtration performance greater than 99.995% (when independently tested in accordance with BS 3928-1969: Method for Sodium Flame Test for Air filters), and meeting the requirements of HTM 02-01, patients and customers have put their complete trust in our product for over 35 years.

Key Features & Benefits

Featuring an easily removable sterilisable vacuum drain flask, a unique push fit element, and differential pressure monitor, Walker Filtration’s Alpha Medical Vacuum filters fully comply with global medical gas pipeline systems standards  ISO7396-1, HTM 02-01, NFPA 99, and AS2896, providing peace of mind that potentially hazardous biological contagions will not be exhausted into the surrounding environment.

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