AlgiSys High Quality Omega-3 Algal EPA
The Future of Sustainable Solutions for SelectOmega Ingredients. Essential for people, pets, animals, fish, and the world. AlgiSys is commercializing its patented algal technologies, capable of replacing globally depleting fish and krill oil as the primary source for EPA Omega-3 end markets. Has the only environmentally sustainable and economic source for high quality Non-GMO vegan EPAOmega-3 plant protein as by-product. Global patents issued and pending, including ten years of collaboration with world class research partners. Cost effective, proven and scalable fermentation manufacturing process outsourced for immediate global commercialization.
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AlgiSys Utilizes Algae To Build A Cleaner and Healthier Future
AlgiSys has performed years of research and development in order to derive an economically viable, sustainable, and all natural approach to algal EPA oil production
We're taking the fish out of 'fish oil' by producing omega-3 fatty acids from the original source provided by nature, an environmentally clean alternative
Our vegan algal EPA oil and plant protein have a myriad of health benefits that can improve many aspects of your everyday health while helping the environment
Our company is focused on producing All Natural EPA Omega-3 Nutritional Oils and High Protein Vegan Biomass. AlgiSys has developed propriety strains of microalgae capable of efficiently delivering commercial quantities of omega-3 nutritional oils and biomass.
Both globally and in the US, omega-3 fatty acids represent a multi-billion dollar market with demand centered on the two most beneficial forms: EicosaPentaenoic Acid (EPA) and DocosaHexaenoic Acid (DHA).
More than 20,000 scientific studies conducted over the past 40 years have shown that these nutritional compounds have significant health benefits, and can be used to prevent/treat a variety of disorders. However, the primary source of omega-3 EPA and DHA is currently fish oil.
DHA production through fermentation of microalgae has been well established and commercialized. EPA has not yet been commercially achieved.
AlgiSys has developed the first commercial algal EPA production process to cost effectively produce this important omega-3 fatty acid. AlgiSys intends to play a major role in meeting the rapidly growing demand for EPA and high protein biomass products using its exclusive biotechnology.
Our proprietary microalgae are heterotrophic producers of EPA, meaning they are able to grow quickly in the dark using tried and true Fermentation technology.
By using traditional industrial fermentation equipment, we're able to efficiently scale and accelerate microalgae's natural oil production time to just a few days at commercial levels.
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