Addex Therapeutics - Allosteric Modulators Technology
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Allosteric modulators are an emerging class of orally available small molecule therapeutic agents that may offer a competitive advantage over classical drugs.
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This potential stems from their ability to offer g...
This potential stems from their ability to offer greater selectivity and better modulatory control at disease mediating receptors. Most marketed drugs bind receptors where the body’s own natural molecular activators (i.e. endogenous ligands) bind, specifically to a key part of each receptor’s anatomy called the “active site”. In short, most drugs must out-compete endogenous ligands in order to bind to the active site.
By contrast, allosteric modulators are non-competitive because they bind receptors at a different site and modify receptor function even if the endogenous ligand also is binding. Because of this, allosteric modulators are not limited to simply turning a receptor on or off, the way most drugs are. Instead, they act more like a dimmer switch, offering control over the intensity of activation, while allowing the body to retain its natural control over initiating receptor activation.
Underlying the robust pipeline is our industry leading proprietary allosteric modulator discovery technology platform. Since founding in 2002, we have invested significant resources and time in building the infrastructure and developing the expertise for discovering and developing highly selective oral small molecule allosteric modulators.
Our platform allows industrial scale high throughput screening and can be adapted for a broad range of targets, including targets considered “undruggable” using conventional approaches. The technologies developed to detect and characterize allosteric modulators are broadly applicable to G protein-coupled, single pass transmembrane, cytokine, receptor tyrosine kinase receptors, etc as well as intracellular targets such as enzymes.
In short, we are expanding the realm of druggable targets with our technologies for discovering oral small molecule allosteric modulators.
Our Capabilities
Addex has developed unique capabilities that have allowed to industrialise the discovery of allosteric modulators.
The allosteric modulator discovery platform has enabled Addex to generate a rich pipeline of programs, all 100% owned by Addex, except the licensed programs. The extent of our pipeline, from molecules targeting selectively subtypes of large families of GPCRs to molecules targeting selectively receptor tyrosine kinase subtypes, illustrate the power of the unique and proprietary technologies discovered and used at Addex.
Screening Assays
Addex is the first company that has developed high-throughput industrial discovery tools for allosteric modulators. Addex has developed proprietary real time kinetic and proximal detection systems that permit the identification of allosteric modulators which modify the molecular response of their target.
The company’s approach to leveraging and maintaining its competitive advantage is to keep certain aspects of its platform technology as trade secrets while patenting others.
Proprietary screening assays developed at Addex include ProxyLite, Phoenyx, IntraSwitch, BBBA and AddeLite. These assays are used for screening G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) and non-GPCR drug targets and are necessary to facilitate medicinal chemistry for lead optimization.
ProxyLite?assay for GPCRs is an assay applicable to all GPCRs, family A through C, Gi-, Gs- or Gq-coupled. Signal measurement is dynamic and real-time, allowing kinetic analyses of activation and change induced by allosteric modulators. The overall result is a truer readout of receptor activation, allowing a better detection of allosteric modulators of GPCRs.
Phoenyx is part of a series of HTS-compatible biosensors allowing measurement of intracellular cascades turned on by receptor activation, offering multiple possibilities to confirm activity of allosteric modulators and probing biased signaling.
IntraSwitch assay allows real-time assessment of receptor change of conformation when getting activated. This represents a powerful way to ‘visualise’ effects of allosteric modulators directly on receptors of interest.
BBBA assay is a non-radioactive binding assay developed specifically for allosteric modulator programs. It provides a rich pharmacological information to expand our understanding of how compounds bind to the allosteric pocket.
AddeLite?assay for non-GPCRs is an assay applicable to all single-pass transmembrane proteins. It offers a unique way of measuring dynamically the activation of receptors of interest which have historically been difficult to address with small molecules. AddeLite?assay is highly appropriate for high-throughput screening, offering an exquisite sensitivity to detect allosteric modulators.
The library has been assembled from commercial and other non-pharmaceutical sources, with some parts of the library acquired under exclusive agreements.?Overall, Addex chemists had assembled more than 70,000 compounds. The Addex selection process includes filtering for basic drug-like characteristics and development potential. An additional level of filtering involves the application of proprietary algorithms focused on identifying characteristics of allosteric molecules. A multivariable analysis of the Addex library shows that while its molecules share the physicochemical properties of marketed drugs they are structurally differentiated.
The implications are:
1. Allosteric modulators are not in the same structural space where pharma chemists are used to working. As a result, Addex has built not only a unique library but also multidisciplinary know-how pertaining to different kinds of chemical structures.
2. Intellectual property within the allosteric structural space is relatively unexploited, making discovery and optimization less encumbered by the need to avoid pre-existing patent families, which can often be a challenge for traditional small molecule chemistry efforts.
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