3di - Individual Planning Soft Tissue Model
From Soft Tissue Models
The Department of Otorhinolaryngology of the Jena University Hospital and the company 3di GmbH developed an individualised hard- and soft-tissue-model for simulation the surgical result.
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Products Details
- preoperative visualization of the result
- true-to-live and detailed simulation and representation of the covering soft-tissue in the operating field
- realisation of an optimal cosmetically result
- correction of defective postions
- typical applications: op-planningin the area of the mandibula. maxilla and the orbita models are workable on, can be separated and repositioned
Combined Soft-and Hard-Tissue-Models
- extraction of skin surface and bone from CT-data
- simulation of the patients post-operative appearance on the real model with implant model
for further information please download our product heet for the individual planning model.
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