3B Scientific GmbH

3B Scientific GmbH

- Anatomy Set Life-Sized Muscled Arm & Leg Luxury



Life-Sized Deluxe Muscled Arm - 6 part: High quality muscular arm supplied on base. The following muscles can be detached in this life-size muscular arm model: Deltoid muscles. Biceps muscle of arm. Triceps muscle of arm. Long palmar muscle with radial flexor muscle of wrist. Brachioradial muscle with radial extensor muscle of wrist.


Life-Sized Deluxe Muscled Leg - 7 part: This life-size muscular leg model is supplied on base and can be disassembled into upper and lower leg. The following muscles can be detached from the muscular leg:

  • Long head of biceps femoris muscle with semitendinous muscle
  • Sartorius muscle
  • Gluteus maximus muscle
  • Rectus femoris muscle
  • Gastrocnemius muscle

Every original 3B Scientific anatomy model now includes these additional FREE features:

  • Free access to the anatomy course 3B Smart Anatomy, hosted inside the award-winning Complete Anatomy app by 3D4Medical
  • The 3B Smart Anatomy course includes 23 digital anatomy lectures, 117 different virtual anatomy models and 39 anatomy quizzes to test your knowledge
  • Bonus: FREE warranty upgrade from 3 to 5 years with every product registration

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