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Pre-Clinical Product Applications For The Medical / Health Care Industry

85 applications found
  • Premium

    Measurements Solutions for Medical

    Medical and life science manufacturers are pressured to drive continual innovation and advancement with short time-to-market goals. These industries also demand strict process controls and quality standards. Success often rests on the ability to choose the right partner — one that can be trusted to have the right knowledge and experience to help them meet these stringent ...

    By Zygo Corporation - AMETEK, Inc based in Middlefield, CONNECTICUT (USA).

  • Premium

    Identification of drugs and medicines

    INTRODUCTION At present, pharmacology, being an integral part of medical science, shows rapid development resulting in the discovery of ever growing number of new drugs and medicines. Hence, quality control and identification of drugs acquires vital importance as the number of counterfeited products inconsistent with Pharmacopoeia concurrently increases with the introduction of new numerous drugs. Identification of the drugs is necessary to reject the products that not only lack the required medicinal properties ...

    By Lumex Instruments based in Mission, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA).

  • Cell Line Development Workflow

    The new standard for quality, capacity, and speed. Deliver the best cell lines. Set your IND up for success by getting FDA-accepted monoclonality assurance in just ...

    By Bruker Corporation based in Billerica, MASSACHUSETTS (USA).

  • Independent particle characterization services for medical devices industries

    Advances in biomedical implant and device technology continue to present new challenges in the area of physical testing. Particle Size Distribution, Surface Area and Porosity measurement data are invaluable to the biomedical researcher. PTL partners with each client to design projects that provide this needed information while controlling the costs of research. Applications have included particle size analysis of wear particles in fluid submitted from implant fatigue studies and pore size analysis of tricalcium ...

    By Particle Technology Labs based in Downers Grove, ILLINOIS (USA).

  • The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) and Pain

    The Body’s Built In Pain And Inflammation Defense System. There are a number of pain defense systems that operate in our body. One of them is called the Endocannabinoid System or ECS for short. The ECS is a part of the body’s built in pain and inflammation defense system and there are a number of receptors that make up this system. The two major types of receptors in the ECS are called CB1 and CB2 ...

    By Tetra Bio-Pharma based in Orleans,, ONTARIO (CANADA).

  • TCB002 OmnImmune Clinical Trial

    This trial uses our unmodified GDT cells derived from healthy donors, in a dose escalation study to establish safety of the allogeneic platform. This trial is open. ...

    By TC BioPharm based in Holytown, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Clinicians - FIRE – A Flexible and Precise Molecular Probe Platform Expressly Designed for Cancer Surgeons

    A critical factor in ensuring complete resection of a solid cancer tumor is the ability to determine where diseased tissue ends and healthy tissue begins. Our research, as well as our clinical collaborators, confirm that there is a pressing unmet clinical need: the ability to rapidly and globally assess the status of marginal tissue adjacent to a tumor while the patient is in the ...

    By Akrotome Imaging, Inc. based in Cleveland, OHIO (USA).

  • Carbon technology solutions for medical industry

    Thermal Management: Pyroid HT pyrolytic graphite thermal spreaders and thermal vias are a powerful new material solution in the battle against thermal heat in state-of-the-art electronic circuits and devices. HT material matches the heat spreading capability of CVD diamond at 1700 W/mK but at substantially better economics. ...

    By CETCO based in New York, NEW YORK (USA).

  • Cellframe Technology

    Following extensive research and development, Biostage has evolved its technology to optimize the interaction of mesenchymal stem cells seeded on a biocompatible scaffold. Preclinical studies suggest that, once implanted, the scaffold seeded with the patient’s own cells signals the stem cell niche to guide the regeneration of a biological ...

  • Medical cannabis solutions for regulatory pathway sector

    Health Canada recently released “Proposed Regulations Amending the Cannabis Regulations (new classes of cannabis) and Proposed Order Amending Schedules 3 and 4 to the Cannabis Act”. These proposed changes introduce three new classes of cannabis products: edibles, concentrates and topicals. The introduction of these new classes may present an opportunity for the Company to bring combination products to the market as an adult-use edible cannabis product. It is proposed that only approved food ingredients ...

    By CanaQuest Medical Corp. based in Mississauga, ONTARIO (CANADA).

  • Cell Therapy Development Workflow

    Deliver the right cells to the patient on time. Maximize Functional Characterization of Your Precious T Cell Samples. The Opto™ Cell Therapy Development workflow accelerates the creation of better therapeutics by performing multiple functional assays across 1,000s of individual T cells in a matter of days. Deeply characterize, profile, and map your T cell populations at the single-cell level to directly link phenotype to gene ...

    By Bruker Corporation based in Billerica, MASSACHUSETTS (USA).

  • Medical solutions for vaccine platform sector

    2A Pharma’s vaccine platform is based on mutated parvoviral particles consisting essentially of one protein. The particles contain no viral genome and are replicative defective and non-pathogenic. The particle capsid surface has repetitive, immunogenic sites, where peptides of interest can be inserted and allows us to generate monovalent or bivalent vaccines as required. Each peptide of interest will be presented 60 times on the capsid surface and both the innate and adaptive immune systems are activated to ...

    By 2A Pharma ApS based in Aalborg Øst, DENMARK.

  • PTR-MS systems for medical applications

    PTR-MS are powerful tools for non-invasive, real-time breath gas analysis with many applications, such as screening for disease markers, study of pharmacokinetics or metabolic ...

    By Ionicon Analytik Ges.m.b.H. based in Innsbruck, AUSTRIA.

  • Natural Bionanomatrix Coating Technologies for Cardiovascular Disease industry

    Stents are the most common cardiovascular implants used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. However, there are concerns about in-stent renarrowing (restenosis) with bare metal stents and late stent thrombosis and inflammatory responses with drug-eluting stents. The endothelium is the lining of the blood vessels that is a thin layer of endothelial cells and underlying nanofibrillar basement membrane. It modulates vascular tone by release of factors such as nitric oxide. With stent deployment, there is ...

    By Endomimetics based in Birmingham, ALASKA (USA).

  • Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP) Restorative Treatment System for Patients

    As for many patients, none of the treatment options for your Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP) have brought you lasting relief. ReActiv8® is a different type of restorative therapy that addresses the underlying multifidus muscle dysfunction that can lead to mechanical CLBP. If you suffer from mechanical CLBP, ReActiv8 is designed to provide you with meaningful, long-term ...

    By Mainstay Medical based in Dublin 2, IRELAND.

  • Vascade - Model MVP - Venous Vascular Closure System for Value to Hospital

    Early Ambulation. Simple. Proven: VASCADE MVP enables Early Ambulation, is simple to use and proven, providing femoral venous closure in patients who have undergone catheter-based interventions using procedure sheaths with an Inner Diameter of 6 to 12 French. ...

    By Cardival Medical, Inc. based in Santa Clara, CALIFORNIA (USA).

  • Proteome array screening solutions for protein small molecule interactions sector

    Explore interaction profiles and identify off-target binding. Most drugs in common use are small organic molecules which interact functionally with proteins, either acting as ligands for receptors, inhibiting enzymes or blocking protein interactions, etc. Their activities have generally been established by specific cellular and molecular assays to determine mode of action. While frequently well tolerated, side-effects are nevertheless commonplace and can be the result of unexpected interference with unintended ...

    By Cambridge Protein Arrays Ltd. (CPAP) based in Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Proteome array screening solutions for proteome-wide protein modification screening sector

    Protein arrays are exposed to enzymes to identify targets for post-translational modifications. Many key protein functions require the protein to undergo a post-translational modification (PTM), examples ranging from phosphorylations and glycosylations to histone modifications and ubiquitinations. HuProt human proteome microarrays can be used for profiling the targets of enzymes producing PTMs and have been used in studies of phosphorylation, glycosylation, sumoylation, ...

    By Cambridge Protein Arrays Ltd. (CPAP) based in Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Proteome array screening solutions for antibody specificity profiling sector

    Comprehensive antibody reactivity profiling: validate specificity, identify cross-reactions. The issue of antibody cross-reactivity is one that has often been often overlooked or sidelined in the past, with typical antibody QC involving evidence of binding to the intended target, while neglecting potential cross-reactivity. In recent years, however, many examples have come to light where poor validation of antibodies has led to misleading or erroneous conclusions for assays in which they are used as reagents, due ...

    By Cambridge Protein Arrays Ltd. (CPAP) based in Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Acoustic Bioprinter for Bridging from Bench to Bedside

    In vivo evaluation of sound-patterned endothelial cells. ...

    By mimiX Biotherapeutics based in Biel/Bienne, SWITZERLAND.

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