Open hospital event in Koege with PTR Robot demonstrations
Sunday 5th September our PTR Robot was featured on Danish TV, about the robot being deployed at the new hospital, Region Sealand University Hospital Koege.
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The public was invited to an open hospital event in Koege at the Region Zealand University Hospital. The 600 million euro development project includes a brand new 140.000 m2 hospital building with 789 single rooms, innovative robotics and much more.
One of the things that are awaiting the staff in the new super hospital is the PTR Robot which they have named “Roberta”. The robot will on a daily basis assist the staff with safe patient transfers. Using the PTR Robot will support the caregivers in improving the working environment and make it safer to work with patient transfers. By letting the robot do the heavy and repetitive work it is the goal that fewer caregivers will experience pain during a working day and overall minimize the wear and tear of the healthcare workers.
The PTR Robots team demonstrated throughout the day the functionalities and features of the robot to both private people as well as hospital employees. Both the staff and visitors were impressed and the PTR Robot team received comments such as, 'It is very elegant' and 'It is so easy to move around even though I have never used a joystick before'.
The PTR Robot has been developed in collaboration with Region Zealand University Hospital, Koege. Therefore it was both an honor and a pleasure to be presenting the PTR Robot at their open hospital event and to experience the engagement and interest from the visitors.
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