ReWalk Robotics, Inc.

ReWalk Robotics, Inc.

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Publishes Briefing on ReStore Soft Exo-Suit in the UK


Source: ReWalk Robotics, Inc.

Experts outline potential for improved stroke patient outcomes, cost effectiveness through use of the ReStore device in the rehabilitation setting

MARLBOROUGH, Mass. -- ReWalk Robotics, Ltd. (Nasdaq: RWLK) ('ReWalk' or the 'Company'), a manufacturer of robotic medical devices for individuals with lower limb disabilities, today announced its ReStore Soft Exo-Suit was the subject of a recent Medtech Innovation Briefing (MIB) by the UK's National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). These briefings are designed to support National Health Services (NHS) and social care commissioners and staff who are considering using new medical devices and other medical or diagnostic technologies.

The briefing, titled 'ReStore Soft Exo-Suit for gait rehabilitation' includes a description of the ReStore device, how it's used and why the technology is innovative for the treatment of patients during post-stroke gait training. The MIB also outlines a pathway to care using the technology and how much it costs.

'Publication of the NICE briefing is a critical step in achieving broad adoption of the ReStore Soft Exo-Suit for use in rehabilitation clinics throughout the United Kingdom,' said ReWalk CEO Larry Jasinski. 'These briefings are vital in informing the clinical teams who rely on NICE to make sure they are aware of the latest technologies that can help patients and deliver quality care. We are confident the support of NICE will help us to bring the ReStore to more patients in need across the UK.'

Notably, the MIBs include expert commentary, to help inform NHS on the use of the device in the care setting.  In the ReStore briefing, experts agreed that ReStore could improve outcomes by reducing falls and improving a user's balance and confidence. Experts also suggested that ReStore could reduce the number of staff needed in therapy sessions because fewer people would be needed to assist patients.

'Our initial impression is that the ReStore has the potential to influence neuro-plasticity, 're-wiring' of the nervous system, for a range of patients and presentations,' said Tom McGregor, clinical lead for Hull and East Yorkshire at MOTIONrehab. 'By using the ReStore patients have better gait biomechanics, which in turn is resulting in increased walking distances, faster walking speeds and greater confidence to walk. We're using ReStore as a therapy tool in clinic to optimize our treatment sessions. The clients that have tried it so far have reacted really well, so the plan is to utilize it on successive sessions over the coming weeks and months,' he added.

While the experts agreed that the ReStore is likely to cost more than the current standard of care, one of the commentators noted the case for cost effectiveness could be proven with evidence the ReStore improved neuromuscular recovery more than standard care, and lowered resource impact.

The ReStore system is comprised of a soft, garment-like design which connects to a lightweight waist pack and mechanical cables that help lift the patient's affected leg in synchronized timing with their natural walking pattern. The system provides targeted assistance to the patient during forward propulsion (plantarflexion) and ground clearance (dorsiflexion), two key phases of the gait cycle. Real-time data from sensors in the shoes and on the affected leg are used to adjust the mechanical assistance to match the user's natural gait and to enhance propulsion symmetry. This provides the physical therapists with extensive data to inform strategies to optimize a patient's treatment and progress using real-time analytics.

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