Pulse Oximetry Articles & Analysis
BioIntelliSense Launches Patented, FDA-cleared Pulse Oximetry (SpO2) Sensor Technology that Addresses Skin Pigmentation and Motion Monitoring Challenges
Breakthrough pulse oximetry (SpO2 ) optical sensor solution offers medical-grade accuracy of oxygen level measurement across skin tones and while in motion Patented SpO2 sensor chipset, integrated processing and reference design capability to power the next generation of medical and consumer wearable devices BioIntelliSense, a continuous health monitoring and clinical intelligence company, ...
Expanded Medical Calibration Services
The company extends its' medical services support to cover defibrillators, pulse oximetry, tympanic and arterial temperature instruments. All using the latest reference calibration equipment. Defibrillators and AEDs  from all leading manufacturers can be calibrated. Calibration of personal and laboratory pulse oximeters and all vital signs meters can also be undertaken. ...
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