IAQ and Infection Control Professionals Play a Critical Role in Preventing HAIs
Legends Environmental Insurance Services provides insurance coverage for environmental and indoor air quality (IAQ) service providers.
Orange, CA, June 27th, 2011 -- The Telegraph reported last week about the risk of infection to hospital patients due to exposure to pillows that may be contaminated with a host of microbial pathogens. The article discusses a new study conducted by The Barts and The London NHS Trust that found 30 different types of possible infections in pillows taken from hospital wards. Potential exposure to C. diff and MRSA were just a few of the potentially deadly pathogens discussed in the report.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections, as with all staph, are usually spread by having contact with someone’s skin infection or personal items they have used, like towels, bandages, or razors that touched infected skin. These infections are most likely to be spread in places where people are in close contact with others.
Clostridium difficile (C. diff) is shed in feces. Any surface, device, or material that becomes contaminated with feces may serve as a reservoir for the bacteria’s spores. These spores can be transferred to patients via the hands of healthcare personnel in healthcare environments who have touched a contaminated surface or by the patients coming in contact with contaminated surfaces.
Fortunately there are professionals that specialize in identifying these risks through environmental testing and site assessments. Environmental, IAQ and infection control personnel are tasked with preventing these potentially deadly infections from causing outbreaks.
“The risks associated with healthcare acquired infections (HAIs) are enormous,” reported Brian Mcfarland, Vice President of Legends Environmental Insurance Services, a leading provider of insurance coverage to the IAQ, environmental and infection control industries. “A study in the Archives of Internal Medicine reported that in 2006, HAIs cost $8.1 billion in added annual medical costs. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates there are approximately 1.7 million HAIs are contracted annually. It’s a huge problem, but it can be stopped,” he continued.
Legends recently cosponsored a public outreach video on C. diff that can be seen at:
To learn more about Legends Environmental Insurance Services please visit: http://www.legends-enviro.com/, call (800) 992-6999 or email BrianM@Legends-enviro.com or bill@Legends-enviro.com.
About Legends Environmental Insurance Services, LLC
Legends Environmental Insurance Services is nationally recognized as an innovator in providing environmental and restoration insurance programs. The company has over 30 years experience providing these services in all 50 states.
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