BioTrace Medical Announces Key Events Featuring Tempo Temporary Pacing Lead at TVT 2019
New TAVR standard of care technology to be featured in lunch symposium, live cases, and podium presentation
MENLO PARK, Calif. -- BioTrace Medical, Inc., the leader in innovative temporary pacing technology, today announced the company’s key activities at the Annual Transcatheter Valve Therapy Structural Heart Summit (TVT 2019), which will take place June 12-15 at the Sheraton Grand Chicago.
The company’s Tempo Temporary Pacing Lead will be featured in a symposium titled “Improving Safety & Reducing Costs with the Tempo Temporary Pacing Lead,” which will be co-chaired by Stanley J. Chetcuti, M.D., director of the cardiac catheterization laboratory at the University of Michigan Health System, and Steven Yakubov, M.D., system chief, advanced structural heart disease, Riverside Methodist Hospital/OhioHealth.
The symposium will feature recent clinical experience and case studies from several leading U.S. structural heart centers, highlighting the safety and efficacy of the Tempo Lead, its use in TAVR procedures, its positive impact on facilitating post-TAVR patient ambulation outside of the ICU and CCU, and its role in reducing length of stay. Since receiving FDA clearance, the Tempo Lead has been used in more than 3,000 U.S. procedures with a safety and performance profile superior to conventional temporary leads.1 (Symposium registration:
“The Tempo Lead has demonstrated its intra- and post-procedural safety, providing secure and stable pace capture,” said Dr. Chetcuti. “We have been impressed with how the Tempo Lead has delivered better patient outcomes and cost savings by allowing for the transfer of patients directly to our step-down unit and facilitating earlier patient ambulation.”
In addition, Tamim Nazif, M.D., of the Structural Heart & Valve Center at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center will present the center’s experience using the Tempo Lead for TAVR procedures during the New Technology Forum, TAVR, I on Thursday, June 13.
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