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Neurology Product Applications For The Medical / Health Care Industry

84 applications found
  • The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) and Pain

    The Body’s Built In Pain And Inflammation Defense System. There are a number of pain defense systems that operate in our body. One of them is called the Endocannabinoid System or ECS for short. The ECS is a part of the body’s built in pain and inflammation defense system and there are a number of receptors that make up this system. The two major types of receptors in the ECS are called CB1 and CB2 ...

    By Tetra Bio-Pharma based in Orleans,, ONTARIO (CANADA).

  • Carbon technology solutions for medical industry

    Thermal Management: Pyroid HT pyrolytic graphite thermal spreaders and thermal vias are a powerful new material solution in the battle against thermal heat in state-of-the-art electronic circuits and devices. HT material matches the heat spreading capability of CVD diamond at 1700 W/mK but at substantially better economics. ...

    By CETCO based in New York, NEW YORK (USA).

  • Medical Devices for Diagnosis and Evaluation

    The diagnosis of heart failure typically starts when a patient talks to their caregiver about the signs and symptoms they are experiencing. Their health care provider may ask questions designed to confirm the causes of heart failure that may be in their medical history as ...

    By Impulse Dynamics based in Marlton, NEW JERSEY (USA).

  • Major Depression

    Transcranial magnetic stimulation is effective in treating major depression with minimal side effects reported. It offers clinicians a novel alternative for the treatment of this ...

    By SYNEIKA based in 35000, FRANCE.

  • Therapy Discogenic Cell for Degenerative Disc Disease

    Degenerative disc disease is a chronic and progressive condition that is characterized by inflammation and breakdown of tissue within the intervertebral disc. Located between the vertebral bones in the spine, the intervertebral disc acts like a pillow to cushion and evenly distribute pressure across the vertebrae. Each disc is comprised of an outer fibrous ring, the annulus fibrosus, which surrounds an inner gel-like center, the nucleus pulposus. ...

    By DiscGenics, Inc. based in Salt Lake City, UTAH (USA).

  • Therapy Solutions for Central Serous Chorioretinopathy

    Due to its ability to overlay ICG angiographies and FA images for precise planning, Navilas provides a unique and advanced treatment paradigm for central serous chorioretinopathy. In conjunction with the ability to perform subthreshold treatments Navilas represents an optimal tool to target central serous ...

    By OD-OS GmbH based in Teltow, GERMANY.

  • Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder System (PTSD) for Employers

    Freespira is the only FDA-cleared treatment proven to reduce or eliminate panic attacks and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. Unlike medication or talk therapy, in 28 days Freespira addresses underlying breathing irregularities common in individuals suffering from these debilitating ...

    By Freespira, Inc. based in Kirkland, WASHINGTON (USA).

  • Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder System (PTSD) for Individuals

    In 28 days, you can reduce or eliminate panic attacks and PTSD symptoms from home with just a tablet, sensor and custom app. There’s no medicine with possible side effects and no need to see a doctor or therapist in person. Freespira is available for adults and ...

    By Freespira, Inc. based in Kirkland, WASHINGTON (USA).

  • Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP) Restorative Treatment System for Physicians

    The information on this page is intended for Physicians. ReActiv8 is an effective and durable treatment for your patients with mechanical Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP) and multifidus muscle dysfunction. ...

    By Mainstay Medical based in Dublin 2, IRELAND.

  • Medical solutions for mild cognitive impairment

    Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is a clinical condition that affects one or more cognitive domains (memory, language, concentration). Nearly 900 thousand Italians are affected by it and it is prevalent from the age of 60. It is the first indicator of a disease that can become increasingly disabling and compound over time, increasing the risk of dementia. It is the transitional phase between normal aging and dementia, during which it is possible to intervene and delay the onset of the ...

    By Neopharmed Gentili S.p.A. based in Milano, ITALY.

  • Brain Computer Interface Technology for Emagine Stroke Recovery

    This website is designed to assist patients, family members, and caregivers in obtaining valuable information about the EMAGINE study, and to support the process of eligibility evaluation, and research study enrollment for potential participants. The BQ 2.0 system (designed and manufactured by BrainQ Technologies Ltd.) is an investigational device, meaning it has not been approved by the FDA, the use of which has had no related adverse events to date. ...

    By BrainQ Technologies based in Jerusalem, ISRAEL.

  • Evolving Depression Care for Professionals

    Addressing the many sides of depression, the Flow treatment consists of a brain stimulation headset that targets the physical root-cause of depression and a behavioural therapy app to address the psychological and environmental ...

    By Flow Neuroscience AB based in Malmö, SWEDEN.

  • Calcium Phosphate Bioceramics for soft tissue implants sectoe

    Dense HA has been shown to be effective for soft tissue augmentation applications. The high density and chemical purity minimize the rate of resorption of the augmentation and result in a more durable construct. Applications include sphincter muscle augmentation for such diverse problems as urinary incontinence, vocal fold augmentation to help stroke victims regain speaking ability and for cosmetic ...

    By CaP Biomaterials, LLC based in East Troy, WISCONSIN (USA).

  • Blood Glucose Meter and Diabetes Supply Products for Diabetes Education

    Diabetes occurs when glucose (sugar) builds up in the blood. This buildup causes an inability of the body to use the glucose for energy. This inability happens when the insulin does not function correctly. Many people believe that diabetes is a “sugar problem” but it is actually an “insulin ...

    By Prodigy Diabetes Care, LLC based in Charlotte, NORTH CAROLINA (USA).

  • Sustained-Release Drug Delivery Platforms for Retinal Diseases

    Glaukos is developing multiple micro-invasive, bioerodible, sustained-release drug delivery platforms designed to be used in the treatment of various retinal disease, including age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic macular ...

    By Glaukos Corporation based in San Clemente, CALIFORNIA (USA).

  • Neuromuscular Electrostimulation Device for VTE Prevention - Acute Stroke- Hospital Applications

    Current practice acknowledges that a reduction in venous stasis of the lower limb reduces DVT incidence in acute stroke patients1. It is also recognised that DVT is a blood clot that most commonly forms in the deep veins of the ...

    By Firstkind Ltd based in High Wycombe, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Solutions for Glaucoma and Intraocular Pressure (IOP)

    Glaucoma is a group of diseases that damage the eye’s optic nerve and can, if left untreated, cause vision impairment and even blindness. Glaucoma is asymptomatic (meaning it occurs without noticeable symptoms appearing). It can often go undiagnosed without proper check-ups and can get worse over time. Although the development of glaucoma is not completely understood, we do know that it damages the nerve fibers in the optic nerve and in the retina, limiting a person’s field of view and quality of ...

    By Glaukos Corporation based in San Clemente, CALIFORNIA (USA).

  • Balloon Catheter for Coronary Artery Disease

    Coronary artery disease (CAD), also known as coronary heart disease, is the most common form of cardiovascular disease and the number one cause of death in the United States and Europe. According to the American Heart Association, CAD affects over 13 million Americans and accounts for over 650,000 deaths ...

    By QT Vascular Ltd. based in , SINGAPORE.

  • Embolization Device for Hemorrhagic Stroke

    A cerebral aneurysm is a weakened part of an artery in the brain that bulges and fills with blood. When it ruptures, blood spills into the surrounding brain tissue resulting in a hemorrhagic ...

    By Artio Medical, Inc. based in Prairie Village, KANSAS (USA).

  • Targeted genetic sequencing solutions for connective tissue sector

    Tesis Biosciences offers both an individual connective tissue panel and a comprehensive panel. Inherited connective tissue disorders are frequently caused by an aberration in a gene involved in the structure or function of connective tissue. If no pathogenic aberrations are detected by NGS, deletion/duplication analysis is performed to identify partial or whole gene deletions and duplications in the associated ...

    By Tesis Biosciences based in Scottsdale, ARIZONA (USA).

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