Medical Specialties Equipment Supplied In Hungary
PremiumManufactured by Myron L Companybased in USA
The DIGITAL DIALYSATE METER is specifically designed to test both acetate and bicarbonate dialysate quality. Measure Conductivity, pH and Temperature to ensure proper mixing during dialysate preparation and as a final check of dialysate quality before hemodialysis treatment. There are no strips or reagents that expire or subjective interpretation of results. Internal sensors require the user to ...
Manufactured by MEDICOR Zrtbased in HUNGARY
Main body includes the hood, controller, bassinet, internal battery and observation lamp, skin temperature sensor, IV pole, mattress, adjustable ...
Manufactured by Palejo Kft.based in HUNGARY
Our company, Palejo Ltd, is a continuously developing business organization dealing with healthy nutritional supplements, based in Budapest. I would like to offer you two of our premium products. «10shots Coffee» and «10shots Tea» are not traditional products, they are made exclusively from herbal raw materials. Coffee and tea boxes both have 10-10 bags of the instant product. The quality of our ...
Manufactured by Larson Davis, a division of PCB Piezotronicsbased in USA
Whether testing an earphone, hearing aid or audiometer, there is a Larson Davis coupler to satisfy your requirements. Due to the rugged, stainless steel construction and product quality you can rely on your Larson Davis coupler or ear simulator to work dependably for many ...
Manufactured by KRYOTECHbased in GERMANY
The COOLSTREAM is a local cryotherapy device with the infrared sensor and working temperature up to -15 °? at the branch pipe. It can operate continuously up to 5 hours. It is used in different areas of physiotherapy as well as to relieve pain in cosmetic procedures, including soothing the inflamed skin during laser hair removal, skin ablation, and other cosmetics laser procedures. ...
Manufactured by Diagon Kftbased in HUNGARY
Dia-Diluent-D is used by DIAGON D-Cell60 hematological analyzer as a whole blood sample DILUTING ...
Manufactured by Diagon Kftbased in HUNGARY
Dia-Lyse-Diff-D-CF is used by the DIAGON DCell60 hematological analyzer red blood cell hemolysing reagent for the assay of , white blood cell count, lymphocytes count, mid cell, granulocyte ...
Manufactured by Mediso Ltd.based in HUNGARY
High end MRI with the most robust cryogen-free superconducting magnet on the market. The nanoScan® MRI systems are equipped with a state-of-the-art cryogen-free superconducting magnet. Thanks to its translational 3T and ultra-high 7T field, the system enables high end in vivo imaging applications of small animals while having very low installation and maintenance requirements. Uniquely on the ...
Manufactured by Innomed Medical Inc.based in HUNGARY
MRX-TEL NG II digital remote controlled radiographic and fluoroscopy X-ray system with digital tomosynthesis option. „All in one” system, suitable for general radiography, fluoroscopy, conventional chest imaging, barium swallow, gastroenterology examinations and also for foreign body and contrast agents studies. With the DTS option, the precise coordination and detector movement makes ...
Manufactured by Innomed Medical Inc.based in HUNGARY
Vision M is a modern, highly portable digital X-ray system, that brings digital imaging right next to patients, whether it be in the ICU, hospital ward or a patient’s home. Thanks to its flexibility, it is also excellent for the quick examination of Covid-19 ...
Manufactured by Innomed Medical Inc.based in HUNGARY
According to its knowledge, this is the most compact mobile ECG on the market. It has the same features like the clinical devices, and it can be upgraded to a true 12 channel ECG workstation when connected to a personal ...
Manufactured by Innomed Medical Inc.based in HUNGARY
True 12 channel ECG displaying and recording in clinical quality. Due to it’s built in high capacity rechargeable battery; the device is able to make cardiological measurements for a longer period without being plugged ...
Manufactured by Labtech Ltd.based in HUNGARY
Combined three-channel, full disclosure ECG Holter and ABPM System without PC and printer. The EC-3H/ABP Combined Holter System combines a 3-channel ECG Holter and an ambulatory blood pressure ...
Manufactured by Mediso Ltd.based in HUNGARY
This globally unique triple modality system can be the perfect choice for your clinic. Combining the flexible SPECT , the diagnostic CT, and LYSO crystal-based PET modality can suit all needs of today's Molecular Imaging. There is no switching time between the NM modalities therefore the clinicians can freely decide on the preferred hybrid imaging technique. Whether it is a divided SPECT/CT and ...
Manufactured by Diatronbased in HUNGARY
The Abacus Vet5 offers 5-part diff results for animal healthcare. The analyzer features a large touch screen and has an intuitive user interface to offer an optimal solution for veterinary clinics and practices which require a high quality hematology ...
Manufactured by AMI Italia S.r.l.based in ITALY
It allows the user to view the ECG and everything needed to know about the patient and ongoing rescue treatment on a 5.7″ full-colour display compliant to IEC/EN 60601-2-27. ECG can also be sent in real time to the AMISAVERCLOUD PLATFORM to enable another operator to monitor the ECG simultaneously with the local ...
Manufactured by AMI Italia S.r.l.based in ITALY
AED with ECG Monitoring and MANUAL Override functions for advanced life support! Saver One P allows a great versatility for any scenario! Tough, small and lightweight Defibrillator easy to carry and use anywhere, able to act as an AED or a Manual Defibrillator or a Basic Cardiac Monitoring ...
Manufactured by 3DHISTECH Ltd.based in HUNGARY
PANNORAMIC 1000 FLASH DX offers a reliable solution for high-volume slide scanning for large routine pathology laboratories. PANNORAMIC® 1000 DX is the largest member of 3DHISTECH’s PANNORAMIC® DX scanner range. Its unprecedented capacity, its unparalleled throughput and its robust design offer a reliable solution for high-volume whole-slide scanning for large routine pathology ...
Manufactured by Mediso Ltd.based in HUNGARY
The only triple-detector SPECT/CT for high-end clinical and research applications with parallel hole and multi-pinhole collimation. AnyScan TRIO® SPECT/CT imaging system without any compromise to realize perfect SPECT resolution and excellent image quality. The unique triple head detector design enables detailed imaging by applying a reduced acquisition time. The system becomes a perfect ...
Manufactured by Diamond Diagnostics Inc.based in USA
The Opti-Medical Opti CCA BGA Analyzer, provided by OPTI Medical Systems. Originally designed and manufactured by AVL Scientific in Austria, the Opti Medical Opti CCA is a Point-Of-Care Blood Gas system boasting 13 parameters with a a maximum throughput of 30 tests per hour. The system is cartridge based and is easy to ...
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