Medical Specialties Books

131 books found
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    Atlas and Textbook of Small Animal Neurology

    This is a comprehensive overview of small animal neurology covering the diagnosis and treatment of all clinical problems. It contains detailed information on neurological examination procedures, neuropathology and genetic disorders. There are also individual chapters on laboratory tests, anaesthesia, radiology and electrodiagnostics, rehabilitation, pharmacology and surgery. This book usefully ...

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    Ear, Nose, Throat and Tracheobronchial Diseases in Dogs and Cats

    Ear, Nose, Throat, and Tracheobronchial Diseases in Dogs and Cats is the first textbook to provide a complete overview of all ENT diseases, both common and rare. It includes such problems as inflammation of the outer ear, deafness, nasal discharge, swallowing disorders, and cough. Detailed and up-to-date clinical information gives insight into ENT function and dysfunction for teachers and ...

  • Endoscopy-Past, Present, and Future

    Endoscopy-Past, Present, and Future: The NYSGE at 50 commemorates a significant milestone - the 50th Anniversary of NYSGE. In honor of this occasion, prominent voices within the Society explore pivotal advancements in the realm of gastrointestinal endoscopy, a journey that has unfolded since the group's inception in 1974. These essays intricately weave the narrative of the indispensable role ...

  • Vagus Nerve Stimulation

    The vagus nerve is one of the most important, yet most under-appreciated structures of the human body. It is the tenth cranial nerve innervating many of the visceral structures of the human body. It has been called the “wandering” nerve, given its ubiquitous and meandering course throughout the body. The major branch of the parasympathetic nervous system, it optimizes the body’s ...

  • Site Specific and Global Epigenomic Editing

    Site Specific and Global Epigenomic Editing: Principles and Applications, Volume 33 highlights the expanding role that epigenetics plays in pathogenesis, the full range of sites for possible epigenetic modification, and the potential to target these sites to modulate disease progression. The book answers key questions, including which of the hundreds of epigenomic marks and features are relevant, ...

  • Head and Neck Tumours

    Head and Neck Tumours is Volume 9 in the 5th edition of the WHO Series on the Classification of Human Tumours. This series (also known as the WHO Blue Books) is regarded as the gold standard for the diagnosis of tumors and comprises a unique synthesis of histopathological diagnosis with digital and molecular pathology. These authoritative and concise ...

  • StemJournal

    StemJournal is an international, multidisciplinary publication for communicating outstanding stem cell research, including basic biology, clinical applications, disease modeling, computational and systems biology, and data science. It promises to be open new scientific contributions from the many fields of research on stem cells. The journal publishes original, peer-reviewed content covering a ...

  • Emergency Medical Services; Search and Rescue; Anesthetic and Respiratory Equipment

    Emergency Medical Services—covers emergency medical dispatch, ambulances, fixed wing basic and specialized units, and basic training for emergency medical technicians.Search and Rescue—addresses search, rescue, and recovery operations, including the testing and maintenance of equipment, management and operations, and personnel training.Anesthetic and Respiratory ...

  • 100 Diagnostic Challenges in Clinical Medicine

    100 Diagnostic Challenges in Clinical Medicine is composed of one hundred well-illustrated clinical scenarios and their appropriate investigations. A wide variety of specialties are covered including cardiology, neurology, dermatology, endocrinology, tropical medicine, haematology, metabolic medicine, radiology, ophthalmology, venereology, and infectious diseases. Presenting the relevant ...

  • Living with the Earth, Third Edition: Concepts in Environmental Health Science

    Includes all the bells and whistles you and your students have come to expect It’s hard to imagine a book more innovative and groundbreaking than Living with the Earth: Concepts in Environmental Health Science, Third Edition. The first edition won the CHOICE award for Outstanding Academic Book and both previous editions became bestsellers in their own right. See what’s new and updated ...

  • Geocoding Health Data: The Use of Geographic Codes in Cancer Prevention and Control, Research and Practice

    In the past, disease pattern mapping depended on census tracts based on political units, such as states and counties. However, with the advent of geographic information systems (GIS), researchers can now achieve a new level of precision and flexibility in geographic locating. This emerging technology allows the mapping of many different kinds of geographies, including disease rates in relation to ...

  • Fatigue and Fracture of Medical Metallic Materials and Devices

    Get the latest information on the thermal and mechanical properties of shape memory alloys (SMA's) and metallic medical materials and devices. Eleven peer-reviewed papers: • Define the environments in body-specific locations such as the superficial femoral artery, carotid, abdominal and thoracic arteries• Develop constitutive expressions for the deformation response of nitinol via ...

  • Design Analysis of Beams, Circular Plates and Cylindrical Tanks on Elastic Foundations: Including Software CD-ROM

    This book is an update of the book of the same title, providing important extensions of unique techniques of numerical analyses of beams, long strips, circular plates, and circular-cylindrical tanks resting on elastic foundations and/or unyielding/elastic supports. Elastic foundations are modelled either as Winkler springs or elastic half-space-type continua (isotropic or cross-anisotropic). The ...

  • The Occupational Ergonomics Handbook, Second Edition, Two Volume Set

    Completely revised and updated, taking the scientific rigor to a whole new level, the second edition of the Occupational Ergonomics Handbook is now available in two volumes. This new organization demonstrates the enormous amount of advances that have occurred in the field since the publication of the first edition. The editors have brought together researchers from a wide range of disciplines ...

  • Tiger Bone & Rhino Horn: The Destruction of Wildlife for Traditional Chinese Medicine

    In parts of Korea and China, moon bears, black but for the crescent-shaped patch of white on their chests, are captured in the wild and brought to "bear farms" where they are imprisoned in squeeze cages, and a steel catheter is inserted into their gall bladders. The dripping bile is collected as a cure for ailments ranging from an upset stomach to skin burns. The bear may live as long as fifteen ...

  • Effects of Radiation on Materials: 21st Symposium

    Fifty-nine peer-reviewed papers provide the latest international research on nuclear materials.Although the primary focus is on pressure vessel steels, including mechanical properties and microstructures, it contains papers on the latest research on fundamentals of radiation effects in materials as well as on stainless steels and nonferrous alloys. It has a truly international flavor containing ...

  • Cancer and the Environment: Gene-Environment Interactions

    The Roundtable on Environmental Health Sciences, Research, and Medicine wanted to address the link between environmental factors and the development of cancer in light of recent advances in genomics. They asked what research tools are needed, how new scientific information can be applied in a timely manner to reduce the burden of cancer, ...

  • Consumer and Healthcare Packaging Standards - Print version

    AVAILABLE IN PRINT or CD-ROM! This volume contains 85 of the latest standards on consumer and healthcare packaging. Standards cover: • Flammability of Aerosol Products • Water Vapor Transmission of Flexible Heat-Sealed Packages for Dry Products • Minimum Application Torque of Type IA Child-Resistant Closures • User Applied Drug Labels in ...

  • Consumer and Healthcare Packaging Standards -CD-ROM

    AVAILABLE IN PRINT or CD-ROM! This volume contains 85 of the latest standards on consumer and healthcare packaging. Standards cover: • Flammability of Aerosol Products • Water Vapor Transmission of Flexible Heat-Sealed Packages for Dry Products • Minimum Application Torque of Type IA Child-Resistant Closures • User Applied Drug Labels in ...

  • Under the Weather: Climate, Ecosystems, and Infectious Disease

    Since the dawn of medical science, people have recognized connections between a change in the weather and the appearance of epidemic disease. With today's technology, some hope that it will be possible to build models for predicting the emergence and spread of many infectious diseases based on climate and weather forecasts. However, separating the effects of climate from other effects presents a ...

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