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Pearl Technology Medical Monitoring Equipment & Supplies

2 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Pearl Technology AG
    based in SWITZERLAND

    MRI scans for newborn babies are not an everyday occurrence and pose special challenges for everyone involved due to the difficulty of achieving safe and stable positioning. To meet the high demands of this procedure, the BabyFix Cocoon was developed in close collaboration with experts from the fields of neonatology, anesthesia and pediatric radiology. The BabyFix Cocoon accomplishes ideal ...

  • Manufactured by Pearl Technology AG
    based in SWITZERLAND

    The CT HeadFix is a positioning aid that can be inflated by means of a hand pump and is attached to the head cradle of the respective CT-system manufacturer. After the patient has been placed, the patient is individually and comfortably fixed by inflating the positioning aid. The CT HeadFix is compatible with the head cradles of all ...

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