Medical Management Product Applications For The Medical / Health Care Industry
Industrial equipment solutions for special mobility areas
Industrial equipment solutions for special mobility ...
By Koller Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH based in Celle, GERMANY.
Coriolis Air Sampler for Biomedical & Health
Coriolis air sampler collects biological particles in the air for biocontamination control in a biomedical and health ...
By Bertin Technologies based in Montigny-le-Bretonneux, FRANCE.
Measurements Solutions for Medical
Medical and life science manufacturers are pressured to drive continual innovation and advancement with short time-to-market goals. These industries also demand strict process controls and quality standards. Success often rests on the ability to choose the right partner — one that can be trusted to have the right knowledge and experience to help them meet these stringent ...
By Zygo Corporation - AMETEK, Inc based in Middlefield, CONNECTICUT (USA).
Identification of drugs and medicines
INTRODUCTION At present, pharmacology, being an integral part of medical science, shows rapid development resulting in the discovery of ever growing number of new drugs and medicines. Hence, quality control and identification of drugs acquires vital importance as the number of counterfeited products inconsistent with Pharmacopoeia concurrently increases with the introduction of new numerous drugs. Identification of the drugs is necessary to reject the products that not only lack the required medicinal properties ...
By Lumex Instruments based in Mission, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA).
Chemiluminescense based analyzer for medical industry
Exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO) measurements are easy to perform and may be used to monitor eosinophilic airway inflammation (Asthma). A range of computerized pulmonary diagnostic products ranging from neonatology to adult pulmonary function testing are manufactured by ECO PHYSICS AG. These products are marketed and distributed by the label ECO ...
By ECO Physics AG based in Duernten, SWITZERLAND.
Dental laser treatment for periodontal disease was one of the first reasons why the technology was developed. Diode lasers are able to help destroy infectious bacteria and remove heavy amounts of ...
By PIOON based in Wuhan, CHINA.
Solutions for health care sector
More than 200 Million people suffer from Respiratory illnesses . As per WHO (world health organization) COPD is one of the leading causes of death. ...
By Personal Air Quality Systems (P) Ltd. based in Bangalore, INDIA.
Transformer for Health Care Sector
By Synergy Transformers based in Rajkot, INDIA.
Solar Energy for Hospitals
Hospitals of the future must be sustainable in all aspects. Reducing energy consumption in the medical industry is a challenge that requires thorough knowledge of the stringent requirements set forth by both the supervisory authority and the company management. Today, heating, ventilation and lighting involve high energy expenses for the property. Solar collectors that concentrate the sunlight provide a lot of advantages for the purchaser. Read more about our products and discover how you can profit from using ...
By Absolicon Solar Collector AB based in Härnösand, SWEDEN.
The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) and Pain
The Body’s Built In Pain And Inflammation Defense System. There are a number of pain defense systems that operate in our body. One of them is called the Endocannabinoid System or ECS for short. The ECS is a part of the body’s built in pain and inflammation defense system and there are a number of receptors that make up this system. The two major types of receptors in the ECS are called CB1 and CB2 ...
By Tetra Bio-Pharma based in Orleans,, ONTARIO (CANADA).
Pure Air Solutions for Healthcare
Nanoscale air decontamination for hospitals, clinics and laboratories. Genano Technology is scientifically proven to capture nano sized particles and eliminate 99,999% of microbes from indoor air. ...
By Genano Industrial Air Purification Solutions - Genano Ltd. based in Espoo, FINLAND.
TCB002 OmnImmune Clinical Trial
This trial uses our unmodified GDT cells derived from healthy donors, in a dose escalation study to establish safety of the allogeneic platform. This trial is open. ...
By TC BioPharm based in Holytown, UNITED KINGDOM.
Investors - Akrotome FIRE
Advances in diagnostic methods have enabled the detection of cancer at the earliest stages when the chances for successful intervention are highest. For many solid tumors, the best chance for a cure is surgery. A surgical cure depends upon the complete removal of all cancer tissue from a patient (a “complete resection”). The main challenge of this approach is that it is very difficult for a surgeon to determine where diseased tissue ends and healthy tissue begins. The result is that many surgical ...
By Akrotome Imaging, Inc. based in Cleveland, OHIO (USA).
Clinicians - FIRE – A Flexible and Precise Molecular Probe Platform Expressly Designed for Cancer Surgeons
A critical factor in ensuring complete resection of a solid cancer tumor is the ability to determine where diseased tissue ends and healthy tissue begins. Our research, as well as our clinical collaborators, confirm that there is a pressing unmet clinical need: the ability to rapidly and globally assess the status of marginal tissue adjacent to a tumor while the patient is in the ...
By Akrotome Imaging, Inc. based in Cleveland, OHIO (USA).
Disinfection Solutions for Hospital-Healthcare
Hospitals and all healthcare facilities across the world are continuously searching for better ways to limit the spread of infections and improve their disinfection terminal cleans. Patients and healthcare workers can encounter a variety of infectious diseases that are easily spread throughout the facility from all surfaces including those hard to clean contaminated equipment and high touch ...
By SteraMist Disinfection based in Frederick, MARYLAND (USA).
Medical Devices for Severe or Advanced Stage Heart Failure Treatment
In the most advanced stages of heart failure, in some cases, doctors recommend surgery to treat the disease. Heart Transplant & Ventricular Assist Devices are included in this category. These therapies are often a last option for patients with the most severe forms of heart ...
By Impulse Dynamics based in Marlton, NEW JERSEY (USA).
Carbon technology solutions for medical industry
Thermal Management: Pyroid HT pyrolytic graphite thermal spreaders and thermal vias are a powerful new material solution in the battle against thermal heat in state-of-the-art electronic circuits and devices. HT material matches the heat spreading capability of CVD diamond at 1700 W/mK but at substantially better economics. ...
By CETCO based in New York, NEW YORK (USA).
Ventilation solutions for hospital industry
Flight medical ventilators offer a solution for Hospitals environment. They are innovative and powerful for virtually all hospital contingencies and a wide range of patients. Their efficiency and versatility make them the most cost-effective ventilation solution in a diversified hospital ...
By Flight Medical Innovations Ltd. based in Petah Tikva,, ISRAEL.
Corneal Transplant
A corneal transplant involves the surgical replacement of a diseased or injured donor cornea with a healthy portion of a donor cornea. The disease or injury causes blindness by interfering with the normal passage of light into the eye. The transplant of clear, healthy donor tissue restores the normal visual pathway. Most corneal transplant that have been performed are full thickness or “penetrating” corneal transplants. The medical term for a corneal transplant is “keratoplasty”. A ...
By Cornea Biosciences, Inc. based in Rancho Santa Margarita, CALIFORNIA (USA).
Mass flow devices for medical sector
Axetris mass flow devices are used in a variety of medical applications: Oxygenators, Ventilators and ...
By Axetris AG based in Kaegiswil, SWITZERLAND.
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