BPL Medical Diagnostics Equipment Supplied In Asia & Middle East

4 equipment items found
  • based in INDIA

    BPL M-Rad 3.5 DR is a 3.5KW high frequency digital mobile X-ray solution which combines unique design and superior image quality at low radiation dosage. A wireless digital flat panel detector for enhanced digital imaging output. Compact and light weight in design makes the BPL M-Rad 3.5 ideal for patient wards, intensive care units and operating ...

  • based in INDIA

    The BPL M-RAD 3.6 with its ultra high frequency (100KHz) technology ensures that only a useful dose is produced over the entire duration of the exposure while suppressing the skin dose. Being easy to maneuver, it is ideally suitable for Intensive care,cardiac care, bedside radiography in patient wards, where transporting the patient to the radiology department is ...

  • based in INDIA

    BPL M-Rad 100 is a 100 mA, 100 PPS line frequency mobile X-ray solution that combines excellent manoeuvrability & user interface and is ideal for patient wards, intensive care, operating room etc., where transporting the patient to the Radiology department is difficult. Device comes with anatomical programming feature which ensures optimal radiation exposure based on the part being ...

  • based in INDIA

    BPL H- Rad is a 32 kW high frequency fixed X-Ray solution that combines excellent image quality & comprehensive user interface. It is suitable for any clinical application and ideal for Government Hospitals, Medical institutions, Corporate Hospitals, Super/ Multi Speciality Hospitals, Diagnostic Centres etc. This device features an anatomical programming feature that ensures optimal radiation ...

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