Medical Diagnostics Books
Ear, Nose, Throat and Tracheobronchial Diseases in Dogs and Cats
Ear, Nose, Throat, and Tracheobronchial Diseases in Dogs and Cats is the first textbook to provide a complete overview of all ENT diseases, both common and rare. It includes such problems as inflammation of the outer ear, deafness, nasal discharge, swallowing disorders, and cough. Detailed and up-to-date clinical information gives insight into ENT function and dysfunction for teachers and ...
Atlas and Textbook of Small Animal Neurology
This is a comprehensive overview of small animal neurology covering the diagnosis and treatment of all clinical problems. It contains detailed information on neurological examination procedures, neuropathology and genetic disorders. There are also individual chapters on laboratory tests, anaesthesia, radiology and electrodiagnostics, rehabilitation, pharmacology and surgery. This book usefully ...
Site Specific and Global Epigenomic Editing
Site Specific and Global Epigenomic Editing: Principles and Applications, Volume 33 highlights the expanding role that epigenetics plays in pathogenesis, the full range of sites for possible epigenetic modification, and the potential to target these sites to modulate disease progression. The book answers key questions, including which of the hundreds of epigenomic marks and features are relevant, ...
By Elsevier B.V
Vagus Nerve Stimulation
The vagus nerve is one of the most important, yet most under-appreciated structures of the human body. It is the tenth cranial nerve innervating many of the visceral structures of the human body. It has been called the “wandering” nerve, given its ubiquitous and meandering course throughout the body. The major branch of the parasympathetic nervous system, it optimizes the body’s ...
By Elsevier B.V
Cardiac Sarcoidosis
In the past 5 years, there has been a tremendous increase in interest regarding diagnosis and management the cardiac involvement in sarcoidosis. This includes new imaging techniques, new evidence-based guidelines regarding diagnosis and treatment, as well as results of registries providing information regarding the outcome of disease. With this new information, the diagnosis and treatment of ...
By Elsevier B.V
Head and Neck Tumours
Head and Neck Tumours is Volume 9 in the 5th edition of the WHO Series on the Classification of Human Tumours. This series (also known as the WHO Blue Books) is regarded as the gold standard for the diagnosis of tumors and comprises a unique synthesis of histopathological diagnosis with digital and molecular pathology. These authoritative and concise ...
StemJournal is an international, multidisciplinary publication for communicating outstanding stem cell research, including basic biology, clinical applications, disease modeling, computational and systems biology, and data science. It promises to be open new scientific contributions from the many fields of research on stem cells. The journal publishes original, peer-reviewed content covering a ...
By IOS Press
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease Reports
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Reports is an Open Access international multidisciplinary journal to facilitate progress in understanding the etiology, pathogenesis, epidemiology, genetics, behavior, treatment and psychology of Alzheimer's disease. The journal publishes research reports, reviews, short communications, hypotheses, and case reports. The journal is dedicated to providing an open ...
By IOS Press
pHealth 2020
Smart mobile systems such as microsystems, smart textiles, smart implants, and sensor-controlled medical devices, together with their related networks, have become important enablers for telemedicine and ubiquitous pervasive health to become next-generation health ...
By IOS Press
100 Diagnostic Challenges in Clinical Medicine
100 Diagnostic Challenges in Clinical Medicine is composed of one hundred well-illustrated clinical scenarios and their appropriate investigations. A wide variety of specialties are covered including cardiology, neurology, dermatology, endocrinology, tropical medicine, haematology, metabolic medicine, radiology, ophthalmology, venereology, and infectious diseases. Presenting the relevant ...
Geocoding Health Data: The Use of Geographic Codes in Cancer Prevention and Control, Research and Practice
In the past, disease pattern mapping depended on census tracts based on political units, such as states and counties. However, with the advent of geographic information systems (GIS), researchers can now achieve a new level of precision and flexibility in geographic locating. This emerging technology allows the mapping of many different kinds of geographies, including disease rates in relation to ...
Genomic Approaches for Cross-Species Extrapolation in Toxicology
The latest tools for investigating stress in organisms, genomic technologies provide great insight into how different organisms respond to environmental conditions. However, their usefulness needs testing, verification, and codification. Genomic Approaches for Cross-Species Extrapolation in Toxicology provides a balanced discussion drawn from the experience of thirty-five scientists and ...
Residual Stress Effects on Fatigue and Fracture Testing and Incorporation of Results into Design
Eleven peer-reviewed papers, written by experts in their field, provide an understanding of residual stresses, fatigue crack growth, fatigue lifetime predictions, and their effect on structural integrity. Residual stresses can be present due to processing and manufacturing of materials and structures, so it is imperative to understand how and why they can influence the test data that we used in ...
Fatigue Testing and Analysis Under Variable Amplitude Loading Conditions
Thirty-eight peer-review papers provide the latest information on fatigue testing and analysis under variable amplitude spectrum loading conditions focus purely on fatigue testing, fatigue design techniques, or a combination of both. This new ASTM publication serves as an important reference for engineers and scientists involved in structural integrity and component lifetime management. Six ...
Cancer and the Environment: Gene-Environment Interactions
The Roundtable on Environmental Health Sciences, Research, and Medicine wanted to address the link between environmental factors and the development of cancer in light of recent advances in genomics. They asked what research tools are needed, how new scientific information can be applied in a timely manner to reduce the burden of cancer, ...
Consumer and Healthcare Packaging Standards - Print version
AVAILABLE IN PRINT or CD-ROM! This volume contains 85 of the latest standards on consumer and healthcare packaging. Standards cover: Flammability of Aerosol Products Water Vapor Transmission of Flexible Heat-Sealed Packages for Dry Products Minimum Application Torque of Type IA Child-Resistant Closures User Applied Drug Labels in ...
Consumer and Healthcare Packaging Standards -CD-ROM
AVAILABLE IN PRINT or CD-ROM! This volume contains 85 of the latest standards on consumer and healthcare packaging. Standards cover: Flammability of Aerosol Products Water Vapor Transmission of Flexible Heat-Sealed Packages for Dry Products Minimum Application Torque of Type IA Child-Resistant Closures User Applied Drug Labels in ...
Under the Weather: Climate, Ecosystems, and Infectious Disease
Since the dawn of medical science, people have recognized connections between a change in the weather and the appearance of epidemic disease. With today's technology, some hope that it will be possible to build models for predicting the emergence and spread of many infectious diseases based on climate and weather forecasts. However, separating the effects of climate from other effects presents a ...
Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Standardization of Biomarkers for Endocrine Disruption and Environmental Assessment: 8th Volume
Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment, 8th Volume (STP 1364) presents 29 peer-reviewed papers that provide you with the latest information on invertebrate and vertebrate endocrine disrupter screening assays and tests, in vitro endocrine disrupter testing, and an industrial perspective on endocrine screening testing. It focuses on the use of biomarker endpoints in toxicology and risk ...
Multiaxial Fatigue and Deformation Testing Techniques
Focuses on state-of-the-art testing techniques for characterizing the multiaxial fatigue and deformation behaviors of monolithic and composite materials. 14 peer-reviewed papers deal with both experimental and theoretical aspects of the multiaxial fatigue and deformation behaviors of structural materials. In 4 sections: Multiaxial Testing Facilities; Multiaxial Deformation; ...
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