Oncology Downloads

28 downloads found
  • SOPHiA DDM - Dx RNAtarget Oncology Solution (ROS) - Datasheet

    The molecular diagnostic application that detects clinically relevant gene fusions and exon skipping events in lung cancer samples by combining a capture-based target enrichment kit with the analytical capabilities and advanced features of the SOPHiA DDM™ ...

  • Quanterix - Model SP-X - Imaging and Analysis System Brochure

    Unleashing the power of next-generation Simoa® Planar Array technology for robust multiplex circulating biomarker detection at the earliest stages of disease progression - even at healthy baseline levels. The Quanterix SP-X Imaging and Analysis System is a complete benchtop system that offers true multiplex detection at both acute and baseline levels. For the first time, oncology and ...

  • Immuno-Oncology and Immuno-Inflammation - Corporate Overview - Brochure

    This presentation contains express or implied information and statements that might be deemed forward-looking information and statements in respect of OSE Immunotherapeutics. They do not constitute historical facts. These information and statements include financial projections that are based upon certain assumptions and assessments made by OSE Immunotherapeutics’ management in light of its ...

  • Fluxion - Model NGS - Spotlight Liquid Biopsy Panels Brochure

    Ultra-sensitive somatic mutation detection from liquid biopsy samples. Designed specifically for detection of mutations from liquid biopsy samples, Spotlight Oncology Panels are turnkey solutions for Illumina sequencers, offering ultra-sensitive variant detection from low input quantities of DNA. The high sensitivity of Spotlight panels makes them ideal for cfDNA, CTCs, and other challenging ...

  • Spotlight - Model 59 - Oncology Panel Brochure

    Designed specifically for detection of somatic mutations fromliquid biopsy samples, the Spotlight 59 Oncology Panel is aturnkeysolution for Illumina sequencers, offeringultra-sensitive variant detectionfrom low input quantities of DNA. The high sensitivity of Spotlight 59makes it ideal for cfDNA, CTCs, andother challenging sample types. Combined with ERASE-Seq, Fluxion’s statistically ...

  • Immunoscore - Immune-Oncology IVD Family Assays - Brochure

    Use our immune-oncology IVD solutions IMMUNOSCORE in Localized Colon Cancer and IMMUNOSCORE IC in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer to improve patient care management with immune contexture ...

  • IBIOM - Model TRIAD - Treatment Chair for Dialysis, Oncology, Chemotherapy - Brochure

    The most comfortable cushions are designed to reduce pressure points, with great lumbar support, the seat is also shaped to help the patient to stay in a proper position during the traitement. They are completely seamless moulded filled with injected viscose foam. Fabric is Virox and Oxivir resistant. A MUST when infection control is a priority! Facilitates transfer of a patient with the help of ...

  • Pharmaceutical Expertise Brochure

    Christian Letmathe, Director EHS Baxter Oncology GmbH, Germany convergence has, since its formation in 2001, focused on servicing the global EHS2 needs of the pharmaceutical sector. ...

  • ColpoWave - Model SGT7102 - Colpotomizer- Brochure

    ColpoWave is the world’s first colpotomizer with a 20mm oncology margin. It can be rotated back and forth for clear visual landmarks and physical safety margins at all stages of the ...

  • Tempus xF - Data Sheet

    Targeted panel designed to detect actionable oncological targets in ...

    By Tempus

  • Ke-Treat - Brochure

    Dedicated entirely to the comfort of the patient. Thanks to its particular features, Ke-Treat unit is ideal for general chemotherapy and oncology sessions, as well as for any other treatments involving lengthy and delicate procedures. Easy to move about, thanks to its convenient retractable wheels, Ke-Treat guarantees maximum ease of cleaning for aseptic clinical environments. The unit offers ...

  • Plinth - Model 94DY - Dialysis Couch Datasheet

    Developed specifically for busy renal units, this dual column chair features vertical lifting to minimise space requirements and features simple push-button electric operation of all movement parameters. These features include electric profiling of height, backrest and foot section angles, foot support board position, Trendelenburg tilt, auto CPR recovery position return to chair position. These ...

  • WGS, WES, and Targeted Gene Panels

    NGS has been used extensively in various disease research projects. While the cost of WGS and WES remains high for most clinical labs, targeted NGS panels have shown their effectiveness in the field of oncology. https://www.cd-genomics.com/diseasepanel/ready-to-use-ngs-panel.html ...

  • SOPHiA DDM for TSO500 - Datasheet

    Enabling molecular laboratories to maximize the utility of Illumina’s TSO500 pane. SOPHiA DDM™ for TSO500 is a fully integrated bioinformatic workflow (FASTQ to Report) for Illumina TruSight™ Oncology 500 panel (TSO500). The SOPHiA DDM™ Platform combines analytical performance with streamlined interpretation of complex genomic variants in the context of comprehensive ...

  • Plinth - Model 93DY - Dialysis Chair Datasheet

    Developed for busy renal units, this chair is fully motorised and offers proven comfort, support and practicality. With a motorised Trendelenburg tilt, foot, leg and backrest, the chair is ideal for handling high risk patients and is suitable for dialysis, periton dialysis, plasmapheresis diagnosis, oncology and chemotherapy. ...

  • Champion - Model Alo - Recliner Chair - Brochure

    The Alō recliner is our premium choice for treatment seating in oncology and infusion. Curated for the highest quality of care and aesthetic, the Alō brings together an array of beauty choices combined with standard features such as swing-away arms and comfort padding to create a stunning selection for your next infusion ...

  • About CanAssist Breast Test and Validation Map - Brochure

    CanAssist Breast is a prognostic test that offers vital insights to help oncologists determine the optimal treatment regimen for each patient. This innovative test provides information about risk of cancer recurrence that is otherwise unavailable from conventional clinical parameters. CanAssist Breast looks at critical biomarkers in the tumour to determine whether a patient is "low-risk" or ...

  • General Catalog

    General/Vascular, Transplant, and Oncology surgeons will benefit from the Thompson Retractor's ability to provide Uncompromised Exposure for a variety of procedures ranging from basic to complex liver, abdominal, and pelvic ...

  • Highplex - Version FL - Cell-Based Analysis Module - Brochure

    Indica Labs’ Highplex FL module allows for simultaneous analysis of an unlimited number of fluorescent markers in any cellular compartment – nucleus, cytoplasm, and/or membrane. With the option to define specific cell phenotypes according to marker positivity, this module is ideally suited for applications in immuno-oncology where multiple markers are required to characterize ...

  • Bodystat-Quadscan-4000-TOUCH-BROCHURE

    The Quadsan uses medical graded electrodes and is able to give accurate and immediate results of body composition and hydration status within the body. The Quadscan 4000 is the device of choice for clinicians wishing to find an afforable, reliable, trusted and accurate machine which is portable and convenient to use. The Quadscan measures cellular health, nutritional status and fluid shifts in ...

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