Human Health Downloads
Application - Identification of drugs and medicines
Introduction At present, pharmacology, being an integral part of medi cal science, shows rapid development resulting in the discovery of ever grow ing number of new drugs and medicines. He nce, quality control and identification of drugs acquires vital importance as the number of co unterfeited products inconsistent with Pharmacopoeia concurrently increases with the intr oduction of new numerous ...
UVE - Vitamin Analysis Flyer
Vitamins are of basic importance for human health and well-being. They influence the maintenance of many functions in the organism, the synthesis of cells, blood cells, bones and teeth as well as the immune system. The lack of vitamins can result in serious diseases, thus the detection of vitamins is very ...
By LCTech GmbH
SeeFactor - Model CT3 - High Definition Volumetric Imaging (HDVI) System - Specifications Sheet
Object MovedThis document may be found ...
Analysis of Low Le vel Beryllium in Urine Using the PlasmaQuant MS - Special Application Note
1. Introduction Elemental beryllium is a steel gray appearing alkaline earth metal with properties like brittleness and high rigidity being the lightest among metals. The majority of beryllium is found in minerals and soils rather than in its elemental form. Beryllium is found in about 30 different mineral species like different compounds including aluminium e.g. Beryl (beryllium aluminium ...
2013 NRC Research Press journals catalogue
Graham is a professor in the Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences in the College of Biological Sciences at the University of Guelph. ...
Microbiome Studies with SMRT & Nanopore Sequencing
Microorganisms are the most abundant and diverse forms of life on Earth. Characterizing species diversity and composition of microbes hosted by biota is revolutionizing our understanding of their impact on the maintenance of human health, crop improvement, and species conservation. ...
By CD Genomics
Application Note: Multi-Residue Analysis of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in Water
The effect of these emerging contaminants on human health and their potential impact on the environment is not yet fully understood. ...
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