4 Articles found
Sanara MedTech Inc. Articles
Understanding Hip Fractures: Diagnosis and Treatment
Hip fractures are common, especially in older adults, and require timely medical and surgical intervention. These injuries can significantly impact a patient’s mobility, quality of life, and overall health. Hip fractures are a medical ...
In Vitro and In Vivo Characterization of BiFORM Bioactive Moldable Matrix
Posterolateral Rabbit Spinal Fusion Study I. Introduction Autologous bone has long been the gold standard for bone graft substitute in spinal fusion procedures. The limited supply and morbidity associated with using autologous graft material led to ...
ACTIGEN Verified Inductive Bone Matrix and Autologous Blood by CellRight Technologies
Background CellRight Technologies® has developed ACTIGEN™ Verified Inductive Bone Matrix, a dehydrated, verified inductive matrix that may be hydrated with saline, blood, Bone Marrow Aspirate (BMA), Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), or other ...
Biofilm in Acute Surgical Wounds: Advances in Prevention and Treatment
What is biofilm? Biofilms are defined as communities of micro-organisms attached to a surface, or one another, and encased within a matrix of extracellular polymeric substance (EPS). The EPS makes up the largest component of the biofilm, and in the ...