Red Vascular Technology, LLC
A challenging frontier for endovascular repair, complex aortic aneurysms are those involving the take-offs of major arterial branches of the aorta. Red Vascular’s patented technology meets this challenge in the next generation of branched endografts. Red Vascular Technology is dedicated to development of novel endografts for minimally invasive treatment of complex aortic aneurysms, involving the origins of major branches of the thoracic and abdominal aorta. Our system aims to replace the industry standard of modular, fenestrated endoprostheses with a one-piece, non-modular, branched endograft. By significantly reducing the complexity of treating complex aortic aneurysms, Red Vascular can improve outcomes in these aneurysm patients.
Company details
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- Business Type:
- Manufacturer
- Industry Type:
- Medical Equipment
- Market Focus:
- Nationally (across the country)
About Us
The Next Generation of Branched Endografts
Through its patented technologies, Red Vascular’s branched endograft system represents a significant leap forward in minimally invasive treatment of complex aortic aneurysms, involving the take-offs of major arterial branches.
Red Vascular Technology’s founders are Myles Douglas, MD, PhD, and James W. Hill, MD, JD. They represent more than fifty years of experience in clinical medicine, surgery, medical device design, and intellectual property.
Dr. Douglas was a founder and the lead inventor of the Endologix aneurysm treatment system. His disruptive technologies, along with his intimate working experience in design and construction of vascular endografts while at Arizona Heart Institute, allowed Endologix to progress from concept to commercial product in less than two years, saving patients’ lives and generating significant revenue.