PTR Robots | Part of Blue Ocean Robotics Industries
Medical / Health Care
Caregivers can easily turn or reposition patients in bed to prevent pressure ulcers or discomfort.
Patients can be transferred directly from bed to wheelchair either over the foot of the bed or expanding the robot over both the bed and wheelchair and transfer sideways with the travers.
If a patient is handled on a stretcher from e.g. an ambulance or operating theater you can transfer them directly to a bed with PTR Robots.
The caregiver can transfer a patient to the bathroom when in need of the toilet or a bath.
With the PTR Robot the caregiver can easily assist a patient on and off the toilet without having to change to different assistive devices.
If a patient experiences a fall injury, the caregiver can assist with the PTR Robot lifting the patient up and into a wheelchair or bed.
Because of the high flexibility you can ensure more active lifts with increased patient/user involvement. Sit to stand and gait training are supported by the robot meaning less passive transfers and therefore more efficient rehabilitation.