4 products found
Polarean Imaging plc. Products
The State of Lung Imaging
Diagnostic lung imaging has evolved significantly, from the earliest lung volume testing in the 1800s, rectilinear scanning in the mid-1960s, the first commercially available CT (computerized tomography) scanner in the 1970s,1 and in 1977, the first human MRI scan,2 allowing for higher resolution soft-tissue imaging than ever before. Despite many advancements, the lungs are one of the most complex organs for functional imaging. Most lung diagnostic and ...
Xenon - MRI
Xenon MRI has the potential to provide a detailed, quantifiable picture of lung imaging, including form and ...
Xenon MRI Platform
Dose Delivery Bags
The dose delivery bags are for individual use only with the Xenon Hyperpolarization System for research. The bag connects to the Xenon Hyperpolarizer and stores the xenon gas mixture until it is ready to be inhaled by the patient. The bag has a clamp to hold the gas inside and a mouthpiece for the patient to inhale the gas. Investigational Device Limited by Federal Law to Investigational ...
Chest Coil
Designed specifically for Xenon MRI scanning. Pending 510k clearance. Not available for sale in the U.S. Investigational Device Limited by Federal Law to Investigational ...