Periso SA

Periso SA

Periso SA

Periso SA. REACH (EC 1907/2006) aims to improve the protection of human health and the environment through the better and earlier identification of the intrinsic properties of chemical substances. Our mission: designing innovative technologies for medical and industrial applications, able to improve everyone’s quality of life. Our vision: entering in global markets with entrepreneurial spirit to acquire new sales partners, get new market shares, be a leader in medical technologies for rehabilitation and technologies for production of renewable energy.

Conflict Minerals
Periso SA. Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 requires General Electric (GE) to exercise due diligence to determine the origin of any tin, tantalum, tungsten or gold (3TG) in GE’s supply chains, and to report annually to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) the results of that due diligence.
The ultimate aim of Section 1502 is to eliminate trade in 3TG that finances armed conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

PERISO SA requires all suppliers of products that contain 3TG to adopt policies and establish systems to procure 3TG from sources that have been verified as conflict free. We recognize that achieving a conflict free supply chain will take time and effort, but we expect you to take reasonable, good-faith steps towards that goal. By return e-mail, please confirm that your company has adopted such policies and established such systems.

Periso SA. Since July 2006, EU Member States have to ensure that new electrical and electronic items placed on the market do not contain any of the hazardous substances numerated in ROHS II.

At PERISO SA we pay special attention to the compliance of our products with the regulations and thus follow the obligatory requirements set up in the RoHS II Directive: Draw up technical documentation and conduct a strict control of production; PERISO SA designers, besides following the regulation changes, are constantly reducing our products’ environmental footprint with the aim of completely eliminating the use of the above listed substances.

Periso SA. REACH (EC 1907/2006) aims to improve the protection of human health and the environment through the better and earlier identification of the intrinsic properties of chemical substances. This is done by the four processes of REACH, namely the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals. REACH also aims to enhance innovation and competitiveness of the EU chemicals industry.

The Regulation also calls for the progressive substitution of the most dangerous chemicals (referred to as “substances of very high concern”) when suitable alternatives have been identified.

At PERISO SA we pay special attention to the compliance of our products with the regulations and thus follow the obligatory requirements set up in the REACH Directive

The corporate identity can be summed-up in 5 key words: technology, knowledge sharing, research, efficiency and internationalization.

Our mission: designing innovative technologies for medical and industrial applications, able to improve everyone’s quality of life.

Our vision: entering in global markets with entrepreneurial spirit to acquire new sales partners, get new market shares, be a leader in medical technologies for rehabilitation and technologies for production of renewable energy.

We believe in the value of each person and the value of their contribution to our company’s growth.The synergic union of multiple competences, creative inspiration and cooperation are factors increasing the business value and always encourage us to improve.We want to offer our clients the best and build a trust and fidelity relationship by fostering the listening.

Essential characteristic of Periso leadership is the ability to propose new perspectives conceived through a process of mutual exchange of ideas, with a strong commitment to research.

The commitment is towards Pure Research, having as aim the progress of knowledge and above all the will to join different disciplines to start a new direction in the Applied Research, which purpose is to find new practical and specific solutions in industry and medicine.

The corporate philosophy promotes innovation and experimentation to continue improving technical know-how and encourages designers and the whole production chain to achieve high quality standards.

Our commitment to research is supported in-house by a high-level design and rapid prototyping systems.

New technologies and new products are created in Periso through a process of “glue technology”.

Glue technology“: joining different disciplines and contents coming from different areas of study (electronic engineering, materials engineering, mathematics, physics, medicine, industrial design, computer engineering, chemistry, biology etc.), by integrating and completing them with the competenceof our personnel.

The core business of Periso is to identify and meet new needs, create new technologies with unbridled ideas on the cutting edgesupporting:

  • product developments within the framework of diagnostic and non-invasive rehabilitation medicine.
  • energy production and storage, with a view to sustainable economic development.
  • installations for environmental diagnostics and production systems, road safety and industrial and military applications.

Periso operates Venture Technology for SME and through a process of Tutorage Agency (VTTA) evaluates idea and enterprise and invests by supporting the whole innovation process.

VTTA is a service able to provide a concrete support to the development of innovative projects for SMEs, by guaranteeing information, consultancy and planning assistance, through a customized modular approach depending on the characteristics of the projects presented.

With the VTTA process, Periso commits to acquire personnel specialized in the best Universities, by training and integrating it during the project development and engineering.

At the end of the process, the expert figures are then provided to the enterprise to support innovation in the future years.

Periso follows a business philosophy aiming at analysing criticalities of existing systems and identifying low technological development sectors.

Our philosophy aims to launch technologies and pioneering development processes designed to improve everyone’s life.

In order to achieve this aim, PERISO gives a significant value to synergies between different disciplines and people taking part in technology developments.