Orthomerica Products, Inc.

Orthomerica Products, Inc.

4 products found

Orthomerica Products, Inc. Products

  • Orthomerica - California Catalina

    Orthomerica - California Catalina

    The California Catalina Orthosis is easy-to-fit and simple for the patient to don and doff. The orthosis limits motion and provides effective compression for the relief of lower back pain — making it ideal throughout rehabilitation. The Catalina 631 and 637 both deliver effective compression to the region of pain localizing the patient’s therapy while maintaining comfort for the patient. The Catalina 637 also contains rigid side panels which ...

  • Orthomerica STARBand - Cranial Remolding Orthoses

    Orthomerica STARBand - Cranial Remolding Orthoses

    The STAR Family of Cranial Remolding Orthoses has been used to treat positional Plagiocephaly, Brachycephaly, Scaphocephaly and other head shape deformities in infants 3-18 months of age since 2000. Over 600,000 infants have been successfully treated with the STARband, the first cranial remolding orthosis with FDA clearance available to O&P practitioners across the United States and around the ...

  • Orthomerica Fuzion - Alternative To Standard Orthoses

    Orthomerica Fuzion - Alternative To Standard Orthoses

    Fuzion models include, AFO, Elbow, KAFO, KO, SMO, LSO, TLSO, & WHO. Fuzion is the process of joining clinical expertise with advanced materials to form a comprehensive treatment program for challenging patient profiles. Some of the most complex patients struggle with pain, discomfort, excessive pressures, stability, control, mobility, and heightened sensitivities that impact motivation and potentially detract from an optimal orthotic treatment ...